Junos OS Class of Service Configuration Guide
The Junos OS Class of Service features provide a set of mechanisms that you can use to provide differentiated services when best-effort traffic delivery is insufficient.
Junos OS Documentation, Release 13.1
CoS Overview and Configuration Examples
Configuration Details for Specific Types of Transports and PICs
- CoS Capabilities Based on Hardware Platforms
- CoS for Tunnels
- CoS Features and Limitations on Services PICs
- CoS on Enhanced IQ PICs
- CoS on Ethernet IQ2 and Enhanced IQ2 PICs
- CoS on 10-Gigabit Ethernet LAN/WAN PICs with SFP+
- CoS on Enhanced Queuing DPCs
- CoS on MIC and MPC Interfaces
- CoS on Circuit Emulation ATM MICs
- CoS Features and Limitations for Specific Transports
CoS Configuration Components
- CoS Packet Classification Based on Behavior Aggregates
- CoS Packet Classification Based on Various Packet Header Fields
- CoS Traffic Conditioning with Tricolor Marking Policers
- CoS Forwarding Classes
- CoS Queue Scheduling
- CoS Hierarchical Queue Scheduling
- CoS Congestion Avoidance with RED Drop Profiles
- CoS Re-Marking of Packets Entering or Exiting the Network