Optimize the Network with AI to Provide the Best In-Store Wi-Fi Experience

This video provides a use case for the retail industry on how Marvis and an AI-driven network helps identify network configuration issues to resolve intermittent Wi-Fi connectivity to provide optimal retail in-store Wi-Fi experience.
You’ll learn
Retail industry use cases for Marvis
How an AI-driven network can help in retail
Who is this for?
0:00 [Music]
0:00 it director martin was called in yet
0:02 again to another one of close mart
0:04 stores where the employees were
0:06 complaining that wi-fi wasn't working
0:09 again
0:10 we knew the store clerks were having
0:11 problems with the tablets servicing our
0:13 customers inside many of the store
0:15 locations but it was intermittent with
0:18 no single root cause
0:20 martin was utterly perplexed
0:23 how can we provide the best in-store
0:25 experience if our associates can't
0:27 access the
0:28 wi-fi
0:30 the competition is going to eat us for
0:32 breakfast
0:33 the it team was really feeling the
0:35 pressure missing sales every day
0:38 give me some time give me
0:39 what
0:42 we implemented a proof of concept in a
0:44 handful of stores with juniper networks
0:46 and found out immediately that the
0:48 problem was with the network
0:49 configuration
0:51 thanks to my new friend marvis the
0:53 virtual network assistant
0:55 he's lying that's his only friend the
0:58 problem was actually in a
1:00 misconfiguration with the mtu settings
1:03 in the sd-wan
1:04 something that would have been next to
1:06 impossible to find without the help of
1:09 real artificial intelligence or
1:12 what's known in text circles as
1:15 a i
1:18 pretty sure everyone knows what ai
1:20 stands for
1:22 driven by experience
1:24 for more information contact juniper
1:26 networks
1:27 [Music]