示例:M、MX 和 T 系列路由器上的无源流监控配置
在 图 1 中,流量通过接口 so-0/0/0 和 so-0/1/0 进入监控站。防火墙过滤器接受要监控的流量后,数据包将进入一个 VRF 实例。
原始数据包在 VRF 实例内传输到监控服务 PIC 进行流处理。最终的流数据包从监控服务接口从 fe-3/0/0 接口发送到流服务器。
接受流量的副本将端口镜像到隧道 PIC。当复制的数据包进入隧道接口时,第二个防火墙过滤器会分离 TCP 和 UDP 数据包,并将其放入两个基于过滤器的转发实例中。UDP 实例将 UDP 数据包定向到连接到 fe-3/2/0 的数据包分析器。TCP 实例将 TCP 数据包发送至 ES PIC 进行加密,ES PIC 将数据包发送至连接到 fe-3/2/1 的第二个数据包分析器。
[edit firewall family inet filter filter-name term term-name then]
接下来,配置输入 SONET/SDH 接口并应用刚刚定义的防火墙过滤器。该 passive-monitor-mode
语句禁用 SONET/SDH 接口上的 SONET 保持状态,并支持被动流监控。
配置要与监控应用程序一起使用的所有其他接口,包括监控服务接口、导出接口、隧道接口和 ES 接口。接口就位后,配置 VRF 实例和监控组,将原始数据包从输入接口定向到监控服务接口进行处理。生成的流描述数据包会退出 fe-3/0/0 ,以到达流服务器。
接下来,配置语句,将受监控的流量端口镜像到隧道接口。设计一个防火墙过滤器,选择其中一些复制的流量进行进一步分析,选择一些要丢弃的流量。在这种情况下,应隔离 TCP 和 UDP 流量,并将这两个流定向到基于过滤器的单独转发路由实例中。请记住将过滤器应用于隧道接口,以将 TCP 流量与 UDP 流量分离。此外,还可以将接口路由导入带有路由表组的转发实例中。
在基于过滤器的转发实例中,定义静态路由下一跃点。TCP 实例的下一跃点是 ES 接口,UDP 实例的下一跃点是连接到 fe-3/2/0 的数据包分析器。最后,配置 IPSec,使 TCP 流量的下一跃点为连接到 fe-3/2/1 的第二个数据包分析器。
[edit] interfaces { so-0/0/0 { # Traffic enters the router on this interface. description “ input interface”; encapsulation ppp; unit 0 { passive-monitor-mode; # Disables SONET keepalives. family inet { filter { input input-monitoring-filter; # The firewall filter is applied here. } } } } so-0/1/0 { # Traffic enters the router on this interface. description “ input interface”; encapsulation ppp; unit 0 { passive-monitor-mode; # Disables SONET keepalives. family inet { filter { input input-monitoring-filter; # The firewall filter is applied here. } } } } es-3/1/0 { # This is where the TCP traffic enters the ES PIC. unit 0 { tunnel { source; destination; } family inet { ipsec-sa sa-esp; address { destination; } } } } fe-3/0/0 { # Flow records exit here and travel to the flow server. description “ export interface to the flow server”; unit 0 { family inet; address; } } fe-3/2/0 { # This export interface for UDP traffic leads to a packet analyzer. description “ export interface to the packet analyzer”; unit 0 { family inet { address; } } } fe-3/2/1 { # This IPSec tunnel source exports TCP traffic to a packet analyzer. unit 0 { family inet { address; } } } mo-4/0/0 { # This marks the beginning of the monitoring services interfaces. unit 0 { # Unit 0 is part of the inet.0 routing table and generates flow records. family inet; } unit 1 { # Unit 1 receives monitored traffic and is part of the VRF instance. family inet; } } mo-4/1/0 { unit 0 { # Unit 0 is part of the inet.0 routing table and generates flow records. family inet; } unit 1 { # Unit 1 receives monitored traffic and is part of the VRF instance. family inet; } } mo-4/2/0 { unit 0 { # Unit 0 is part of the inet.0 routing table and generates flow records. family inet; } unit 1 { # Unit 1 receives monitored traffic and is part of the VRF instance. family inet; } } mo-4/3/0 { unit 0 { # Unit 0 is part of the inet.0 routing table and generates flow records. family inet; } unit 1 { # Unit 1 receives monitored traffic and is part of the VRF instance. family inet; } } vt-0/2/0 { # The tunnel services interface receives the port-mirrored traffic. unit 0 { family inet { filter { input tunnel-interface-filter; # The filter splits traffic into TCP and UDP } } } } } forwarding-options { monitoring group1 { # Monitored traffic is processed by the monitoring services family inet { # interfaces and flow records are sent to the flow server. output { export-format cflowd-version-5; flow-active-timeout 60; flow-inactive-timeout 30; flow-server port 2055; # IP address and port for server. interface mo-4/0/0.1 { # Use monitoring services interfaces for output. engine-id 1; # engine and interface-index statements are optional. engine-type 1; input-interface-index 44; output-interface-index 54; source-address; # This is the IP address of fe-3/0/0. } interface mo-4/1/0.1 { engine-id 2; # engine and interface-index statements are optional. engine-type 1; input-interface-index 45; output-interface-index 55; source-address; # This is the IP address of fe-3/0/0. } interface mo-4/2/0.1 { engine-id 3; # engine and interface-index statements are optional. engine-type 1; input-interface-index 46; output-interface-index 56; source-address; # This is the IP address of fe-3/0/0. } interface mo-4/3/0.1 { engine-id 4; # engine and interface-index statements are optional. engine-type 1; input-interface-index 47; output-interface-index 57; source-address; # This is the IP address of fe-3/0/0. } } } } port-mirroring { # Copies the traffic and sends it to the Tunnel Services PIC. family inet { input { rate 1; run-length 1; } output { interface vt-0/2/0.0; no-filter-check; } } } } routing-options { # This installs the interface routes into the forwarding instances. interface-routes { rib-group inet bc-vrf; } rib-groups { bc-vrf { import-rib [inet.0 tcp-routing-table.inet.0 udp-routing-table.inet.0]; } } forwarding-table { export pplb; # Applies per-packet load balancing to the forwarding table. } } policy-options { policy-statement monitoring-vrf-import { then reject; } policy-statement monitoring-vrf-export { then reject; } policy-statement pplb { then { load-balance per-packet; } } } security { # This sets IPSec options for the ES PIC. ipsec { proposal esp-sha1-3des { protocol esp; authentication-algorithm hmac-sha1-96; encryption-algorithm 3des-cbc; lifetime-seconds 180; } policy esp-group2 { perfect-forward-secrecy { keys group2; } proposals esp-sha1-3des; } security-association sa-esp { mode tunnel; dynamic { ipsec-policy esp-group2; } } } ike { proposal ike-esp { authentication-method pre-shared-keys; dh-group group2; authentication-algorithm sha1; encryption-algorithm 3des-cbc; lifetime-seconds 180; } policy { mode aggressive; proposals ike-esp; pre-shared-key ascii-text "$ABC123"; } } } firewall { family inet { filter input-monitoring-filter { # This filter selects traffic to send into the VRF term 1 { # instance and prepares the traffic for port mirroring. from { destination-address {; } } then { port-mirror; accept; } } term 2 { from { destination-address {; } } then accept; } } filter tunnel-interface-filter { # This filter breaks the port-mirrored traffic into two term tcp { # filter-based forwarding instances: TCP packets and UDP packets. from { protocol tcp; } then { # This counts TCP packets and sends them into a TCP instance. count tcp; routing-instance tcp-routing-table; } } term udp { from { protocol udp; } then { # This counts UDP packets and sends them into a UDP instance. count udp; routing-instance udp-routing-table; } } term rest { then { count rest; discard; } } } } } routing-instances { monitoring-vrf { # This is the VRF instance where you send the traffic. It contains instance-type vrf; # the input interface and the monitoring services interfaces. interface so-0/0/0.0; # Traffic enters the router on these input interfaces. interface so-0/1/0.0; interface mo-4/0/0.1; interface mo-4/1/0.1; # These are output interfaces (use them as interface mo-4/2/0.1; # output interfaces in your monitoring group). interface mo-4/3/0.1; route-distinguisher 69:1; vrf-import monitoring-vrf-import; vrf-export monitoring-vrf-export; routing-options { # Sends traffic to a group of monitoring services interfaces. static { route next-hop [mo-4/0/0.1 mo-4/1/0.1 mo-4/2/0.1 mo-4/3/0.1]; } } } tcp-routing-table { # This is the filter-based forwarding instance for TCP traffic. instance-type forwarding; routing-options { # The next hop is the ES PIC. static { route next-hop es-3/1/0.0; } } } udp-routing-table { # This is the filter-based forwarding instance for UDP traffic. instance-type forwarding; routing-options { # The next hop is the second packet analyzer. static { route next-hop; } } } }
show route 0/0
show passive-monitoring error
show passive-monitoring flow
show passive-monitoring memory
show passive-monitoring status
show passive-monitoring usage
要清除和show passive-monitoring flow
命令的show passive-monitoring error
统计信息,请发出clear passive-monitoring (all | interface-name)
您还可以使用简单网络管理协议 (SNMP) 查看被动流监控状态。支持以下管理信息库 (MIB) 表:
jnxPMonErrorTable — 与命令相对应
show passive-monitoring error
。jnxPMonFlowTable — 与命令对应
show passive-monitoring flow
。jnxPMonMemoryTable — 与命令相对应
show passive-monitoring memory
以下部分显示了与配置示例一起使用的命令的输出 show
user@host> show route 0/0 <skip inet.0>
# 我们仅关注路由实例路由。
bc-vrf.inet.0: 1 destinations, 1 routes (1 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) bc-vrf.inet.0:+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both *[Static/5] 5d 17:34:57 via mo-4/0/0.1 > via mo-4/1/0.1 via mo-4/2/0.1 via mo-4/3/0.1 tcp-rt.inet.0: 13 destinations, 13 routes (12 active, 0 holddown, 1 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both *[Static/5] 19:24:39 > via es-3/1/0.0 : <other interface routes> udp-rt.inet.0: 13 destinations, 13 routes (12 active, 0 holddown, 1 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both *[Static/5] 19:24:39 > to via fe-3/2/0.0 : <other interface routes>
对于所有show passive-monitoring
命令,在使用通配符(如 *)或all
选项时获得的输出基于层次结构级别中列出的[edit forwarding-options monitoring group-name]
已配置接口。在配置示例的输出中,仅看到有关配置的接口 mo-4/0/0
和 mo-4/2/0
您可以在监控组中配置的许多语句,如 engine-id
和 engine-type
,在命令输出 show passive-monitoring
领域 |
解释 |
丢弃的数据包(无内存) |
因内存而丢弃的数据包数。 |
丢弃的数据包(非 IP) |
丢弃的非 IP 数据包数。 |
丢弃的数据包(非 IPv4) |
由于 IPv4 检查失败而丢弃的数据包数。 |
丢弃的数据包(标头过小) |
由于数据包长度或 IP 标头长度过小而丢弃的数据包数。 |
内存分配故障 |
流记录内存分配失败的次数。少数数字反映未能补充免费清单。大量表示监控站几乎已占用内存空间。 |
无内存故障 |
流记录内存可用数。 |
可用内存列表故障 |
从自由列表接收失败的流记录数。内存即将耗尽,或者一秒内创建大量大于 128K 的新流。 |
内存警告 |
监控服务 PIC 上的流量每秒超过 100 万个数据包 (Mpps),监控服务 II PIC 上的流量超过 2 Mpps。响应可以是 “是” 或 “否”。 |
内存过载 |
内存已过载。回答为 “是” 或 “否”。 |
PPS 过载 |
在每秒数据包中,PIC 接收的流量是否多于配置的阈值。响应可以是 “是” 或 “否”。 |
BPS 过载 |
以每秒字节为单位,表示 PIC 是否接收的流量是否多于配置的阈值。响应可以是 “是” 或 “否”。 |
user@host> show passive-monitoring error all Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/0/0, Local interface index: 44 Error information Packets dropped (no memory): 0, Packets dropped (not IP): 0 Packets dropped (not IPv4): 0, Packets dropped (header too small): 0 Memory allocation failures: 0, Memory free failures: 0 Memory free list failures: 0 Memory warning: No, Memory overload: No, PPS overload: No, BPS overload: No Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/1/0, Local interface index: 45 Error information Packets dropped (no memory): 0, Packets dropped (not IP): 0 Packets dropped (not IPv4): 0, Packets dropped (header too small): 0 Memory allocation failures: 0, Memory free failures: 0 Memory free list failures: 0 Memory warning: No, Memory overload: No, PPS overload: No, BPS overload: No Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/2/0, Local interface index: 46 Error information Packets dropped (no memory): 0, Packets dropped (not IP): 0 Packets dropped (not IPv4): 0, Packets dropped (header too small): 0 Memory allocation failures: 0, Memory free failures: 0 Memory free list failures: 0 Memory warning: No, Memory overload: No, PPS overload: No, BPS overload: No Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/3/0, Local interface index: 47 Error information Packets dropped (no memory): 0, Packets dropped (not IP): 0 Packets dropped (not IPv4): 0, Packets dropped (header too small): 0 Memory allocation failures: 0, Memory free failures: 0 Memory free list failures: 0 Memory warning: No, Memory overload: No, PPS overload: No, BPS overload: No
领域 |
解释 |
流数据包 |
可操作的 PIC 接收的数据包数。 |
流字节 |
可操作的 PIC 接收的字节数。 |
10 秒速率流数据包 |
每秒 PIC 处理并显示为 10 秒平均值的数据包数。 |
10 秒速率流字节 |
PIC 每秒处理并显示为 10 秒平均值的字节数。 |
活动流 |
PIC 跟踪的当前活动流数。 |
总流量 |
可操作的 PIC 接收的流总数。 |
导出流 |
可操作的 PIC 导出的流总数。 |
流导出的数据包 |
可操作的 PIC 导出的流数据包总数。 |
流不活动超时 |
由于不活动而导出的流总数。 |
流活动超时 |
由于活动超时而导出的长周期流总数。 |
user@host> show passive-monitoring flow all Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/0/0, Local interface index: 44 Flow information Flow packets: 6533434, Flow bytes: 653343400 Flow packets 10-second rate: 0, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 0 Active flows: 0, Total flows: 1599 Flows exported: 1599, Flows packets exported: 55 Flows inactive timed out: 1599, Flows active timed out: 0 Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/1/0, Local interface index: 45 Flow information Flow packets: 6537780, Flow bytes: 653778000 Flow packets 10-second rate: 0, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 0 Active flows: 0, Total flows: 1601 Flows exported: 1601, Flows packets exported: 55 Flows inactive timed out: 1601, Flows active timed out: 0 Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/2/0, Local interface index: 46 Flow information Flow packets: 6529259, Flow bytes: 652925900 Flow packets 10-second rate: 0, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 0 Active flows: 0, Total flows: 1599 Flows exported: 1599, Flows packets exported: 55 Flows inactive timed out: 1599, Flows active timed out: 0 Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/3/0, Local interface index: 47 Flow information Flow packets: 6560741, Flow bytes: 656074100 Flow packets 10-second rate: 0, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 0 Active flows: 0, Total flows: 1598 Flows exported: 1598, Flows packets exported: 55 Flows inactive timed out: 1598, Flows active timed out: 0
领域 |
解释 |
分配计数 |
分配的流记录数。 |
自由计数 |
释放的流记录数。 |
分配的最大值 |
自监控站启动以来分配的最大流记录数。此数字表示一次分配的流量记录的峰值数。 |
每秒分配数 |
在 PIC 上最后一个统计信息间隔内每秒分配的流记录。 |
每秒释放 |
在 PIC 上最后一个统计信息间隔内每秒释放的流记录。 |
使用的总内存 |
当前使用的内存总量(以字节为单位)。 |
可用总内存数 |
当前可用内存总量(以字节为单位)。 |
user@host> show passive-monitoring memory all Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/0/0, Local interface index: 44 Memory utilization Allocation count: 1600, Free count: 1599, Maximum allocated: 1600 Allocations per second: 3200, Frees per second: 1438 Total memory used (in bytes): 103579176, Total memory free (in bytes): 163914184 Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/1/0, Local interface index: 45 Memory utilization Allocation count: 1602, Free count: 1601, Maximum allocated: 1602 Allocations per second: 3204, Frees per second: 1472 Total memory used (in bytes): 103579176, Total memory free (in bytes): 163914184 Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/2/0, Local interface index: 46 Memory utilization Allocation count: 1600, Free count: 1599, Maximum allocated: 1600 Allocations per second: 3200, Frees per second: 1440 Total memory used (in bytes): 103579176, Total memory free (in bytes): 163914184 Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/3/0, Local interface index: 47 Memory utilization Allocation count: 1599, Free count: 1598, Maximum allocated: 1599 Allocations per second: 3198, Frees per second: 1468 Total memory used (in bytes): 103579176, Total memory free (in bytes): 163914184
领域 |
解释 |
接口状态 |
指示接口是正在监控(运行正常)、已禁用(管理上禁用)还是未监控(未配置)。 |
组索引 |
整数,表示 PIC 作为其成员的监控组。(这不表示监控组的数量。) |
导出间隔 |
配置的流记录导出间隔(以秒为单位)。 |
导出格式 |
配置的导出格式(当前仅支持 v5)。 |
协议 |
将 PIC 配置为监控的协议(当前仅支持 IPv4)。 |
引擎类型 |
在输出流数据包中插入的配置引擎类型。 |
引擎 ID |
在输出流数据包中插入的配置引擎 ID。 |
路由记录计数 |
记录的路由数。 |
IFL 到 SNMP 索引计数 |
映射到 SNMP 索引的逻辑接口数。 |
AS 计数 |
流已跨越的 AS 边界数。 |
设置时间 |
指示时间戳是否已到位。 |
配置集 |
指示是否设置了监控配置。 |
路由记录集 |
指示是否正在记录路由。 |
IFL SNMP 映射集 |
指示逻辑接口是否映射到 SNMP 索引。 |
user@host> show passive-monitoring status all Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/0/0, Local interface index: 44 Interface state: Monitoring Group index: 0 Export interval: 15 secs, Export format: cflowd v5 Protocol: IPv4, Engine type: 1, Engine ID: 1 Route record count: 13, IFL to SNMP index count: 30, AS count: 1 Time set: Yes, Configuration set: Yes Route record set: Yes, IFL SNMP map set: Yes Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/1/0, Local interface index: 45 Interface state: Monitoring Group index: 0 Export interval: 15 secs, Export format: cflowd v5 Protocol: IPv4, Engine type: 1, Engine ID: 2 Route record count: 13, IFL to SNMP index count: 30, AS count: 1 Time set: Yes, Configuration set: Yes Route record set: Yes, IFL SNMP map set: Yes Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/2/0, Local interface index: 46 Interface state: Monitoring Group index: 0 Export interval: 15 secs, Export format: cflowd v5 Protocol: IPv4, Engine type: 1, Engine ID: 3 Route record count: 13, IFL to SNMP index count: 30, AS count: 1 Time set: Yes, Configuration set: Yes Route record set: Yes, IFL SNMP map set: Yes Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/3/0, Local interface index: 47 Interface state: Monitoring Group index: 0 Export interval: 15 secs, Export format: cflowd v5 Protocol: IPv4, Engine type: 1, Engine ID: 4 Route record count: 13, IFL to SNMP index count: 30, AS count: 1 Time set: Yes, Configuration set: Yes Route record set: Yes, IFL SNMP map set: Yes
领域 |
解释 |
正常运行时间 |
PIC 运行的时间(以毫秒为单位)。 |
中断时间 |
自上次 PIC 重置以来 PIC 处理数据包的累计时间。 |
负载(5 秒) |
PIC 上的 CPU 负载平均需要 5 秒。该数字是将用于活动任务的时间除以总已用时间获得的百分比。 |
负载(1 分钟) |
PIC 上的 CPU 负载平均超过 1 分钟。该数字是将用于活动任务的时间除以总已用时间获得的百分比。 |
user@host> show passive-monitoring usage * Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/0/0, Local interface index: 44 CPU utilization Uptime: 653155 milliseconds, Interrupt time: 40213754 microseconds Load (5 second): 20%, Load (1 minute): 17% Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/1/0, Local interface index: 45 CPU utilization Uptime: 652292 milliseconds, Interrupt time: 40223178 microseconds Load (5 second): 22%, Load (1 minute): 15% Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/2/0, Local interface index: 46 CPU utilization Uptime: 649491 milliseconds, Interrupt time: 40173645 microseconds Load (5 second): 22%, Load (1 minute): 10098862% Passive monitoring interface: mo-4/3/0, Local interface index: 47 CPU utilization Uptime: 657328 milliseconds, Interrupt time: 40368704 microseconds Load (5 second): 1%, Load (1 minute): 15%