Configuring Ethernet Autoswitch From the CLI
AAS (AcornAutoSwitch, which controls Ethernet failover) is controlled by the syscfg utility. The best first command to execute for Ethernet AAS is the syscfg command that dumps "all", so that you can see how many Ethernet interfaces are supported on the CTP. For example, for a CTP150:
[root@gluon_50 ~ 50]# syscfg -r -u all V10 SL60:AAS0:LOG1:CTPD0:CMDD1 SIP10.0.0.0:SSnone:TO2:ST0:RP1812:RT0:OLF1:RF1 SIP1.2.3.4:SSsecret:TO15:ST0:RP49:OLF0:RF0:N1SIP1.2.3.5:N1SSsecret1:N2SIP1.2.3.6:N2SSsecret2 SIP172.25.61.12:ST0:S1IP SIP10.0.0.0:ST0:S1IP :ST0:LO,Lab:CO,System_Administrator:USR,ro,2,4,acorn,default,:USR,rw,2,4,acornw,default,: :ST0:TRacorn_trap:IP,,: SIP10.0.0.0:DNdc=example,dc=com:ST0 --start_block AAS_BUNDLE_FAILOVER --start_block AAS_ETH_FAILOVER eth0:AVAILABLE1:USE1:10/100/1000 Copper (right) eth1:AVAILABLE1:USE0:10/100/1000 Copper (left) --start_block AAS_ARM ARM0:RR_RVT0:PRIMARY_ROUTEeth0: --start_block CLEAR [root@gluon_50 ~ 51]#
Looking in the "start_block AAS_ETH_FAILOVER" section, you can see that there are 2 Ethernets available. For comparision, here is a CTP2000 with a PMC Ethernet:
[root@ctp_pp833 ctp_cmd 2]# syscfg -r -u all V9 SL60:AAS0:LOG1:CTPD0:CMDD1 SIP10.0.0.0:SSnone:TO2:ST0:RP1812:RT0:OLF1:RF1 SIP10.0.0.0:SSnone:TO5:ST0:RP49:OLF1:RF1 SIP10.0.0.0:ST0:S1IP SIP10.0.0.0:ST0:S1IP :ST0:LO,Lab:CO,System_Administrator:USR,ro,2,4,acorn,default,:USR,rw,2,4,acornw,default,: :ST0:TRacorn_trap:IP,,: SIP10.0.0.0:DNdc=example,dc=com:ST0 --start_block AAS_BUNDLE_FAILOVER BNDL0;CBS2;PIP172.25.62.54;PP8;SIP172.25.62.42;SP8;CP20;ST0;RVT1 --start_block AAS_ETH_FAILOVER eth0:AVAILABLE1:USE1:10/100/1000 Copper (right) eth1:AVAILABLE1:USE0:10/100/1000 Copper (left) eth2:AVAILABLE1:USE1:10/100/1000 Copper (right back) eth3:AVAILABLE1:USE0:10/100/1000 Copper (left back) eth4:AVAILABLE1:USE0:100 Fiber (right) eth5:AVAILABLE1:USE0:100 Fiber (left) --start_block AAS_ARM ARM 0 --start_block CLEAR [root@ctp_pp833 ctp_cmd 3]#
So you can see that the number of Ethernets available will vary based on the platform and options. But based on this information, configuration decisions can be made. The basic information shown in the AAS_ETH_FAILOVER output is relatively self explanatory. It is possible to determine if a particular Ethernet interface is available for use in AAS on the CTP, and also whether or not it is currently participating in AAS Ethernet failover. For example, looking at the CTP150 query, eth0 is available and in use, but eth1 is not. But since it is available, we can add it to the list of AAS participating interfaces. To do this, we use the syscfg utility-specific commands are used:
[root@n72 ctp_cmd 11]# syscfg -h -u AAS For PORT level qry/cfg: Usage: syscfg -s -u AAS -o <bndl#> -v "cfg_string"
Sets the AcornAutoSwitch parameters for <bndl#>.
cfg_string is of the form:
CBS<d>;PIP<ip>;PP<port>;SIP<ip>;SP<port>;CP<time>;ST<b>;RVT<b> NOTE: The config string is encapsulated with double quotes, due to the use of semicolon as a field separator. Care must be used to avoid semicolon/shell interaction. CBS<d>: sets the number of times the primary must be down to <d> before AcornAutoSwitch will switch to the secondary circuit. PIP<ip>: sets the ip of the primary circuit to be <ip>. PP<cid>: sets the remote cid of the primary circuit to be <cid>. SIP<ip>: sets the ip of the secondary circuit to be <ip>. SP<cid>: sets the remote cid of the secondary circuit to be <cid>. CP<time>: sets the check period to be <time> seconds. ST<b> turns on (b=1) or off (b=0) AcornAutoSwitch watching this bundle. RVT<b> on (1) or off (0) Revert back to primary when it is available. Usage: syscfg -r -u AAS -o <bndl#> Prints out the configuration for <bndl#> in above format.
For route redundancy support:
Usage: syscfg -r -u AAS -o ARM Usage: syscfg -s -u AAS -o ARM -v ARM<b>:RR_RVT<c> set route redundancy on (<b>=1) or off (<b>=0) set route redundancy revert on (<c>=1) or off (<c>=0) Usage: syscfg -s -u AAS -o ARM -v FORCE_SWITCH<b> set forcefull revert from secondary to primary route on (<b>=1) For ethernet device level qry/cfg: Usage: syscfg -s -u AAS -o eth<#> -v USE<1|0> Set AcornAutoSwitch to either use (1) or not to use (0) ethernet device eth#. Usage: syscfg -r -u AAS -o eth<#> Prints out ethernet device info for AcornAutoSwitch Usage: syscfg -r -u AAS -o TEST<remote_ip> Tests that user root can ssh to ctp_cmd@<remote_ip> without password.
For check period only:
Usage: syscfg -r -u AAS -o CP Usage: syscfg -s -u AAS -o CP -v <dd> set <dd> to 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 120 seconds [root@n72 ctp_cmd 12]#
Lots of stuff there. For the purposes of this subject, the command we are interested in is:
[root@gluon_50 ~ 8]# syscfg -r -u AAS -o eth1 eth1:AVAILABLE1:USE0:10/100/1000 Copper (left) [root@gluon_50 ~ 9]#
To add this interface to AAS failover, all we need to do is run the set command on this string with "USE0" changed to "USE1":
[root@gluon_50 ~ 8]# syscfg -r -u AAS -o eth1 eth1:AVAILABLE1:USE0:10/100/1000 Copper (left) [root@gluon_50 ~ 9]# syscfg -s -u AAS -o eth1 -v USE1 [root@gluon_50 ~ 10]# syscfg -r -u AAS -o eth1 eth1:AVAILABLE1:USE1:10/100/1000 Copper (left) [root@gluon_50 ~ 11]#