Working with syscfg
syscfg is a perl script utility for managing CTP system configuration that is separate from CTPOS and circuit (bundle) management. It is the centralized configuration management utility for the CTP functions that are mainly associated with the underlying Linux OS, or other CTP functions which are controlled by separate processes.
Although syscfg does have some built-in help, it can be tricky to use, and was not specifically intended for interactive use. But with a little training, it can be used successfully at the command prompt or with scripts. For starters, lets just show the help display for syscfg:
You can access syscfg as root or a system admin level account on a CTP.
[root@gluon_50 ~ 10]# syscfg -h CTP system configuration utility Usage: syscfg [-D][-V][-r or -s] -u <utility> [-o <options>] [-v <value(s)>] [-h] -D: Enable DEBUG flag -V: Enable VDEBUG flag -r: Reads and returns setting of <utility> -s: Set the <utility> settings using <value(s)>. -h: Prints this useage message. Valid <utilities> are: ASM: Acorn System monitor. AAS: AcornAutoSwitch. chk_eepro: chk_eepro. Radius: Read/Set Radius configuration. tacplus_cfg: Read/Set Tacplus configuration. ldap: Read/Set ldap configuration. ntp: Read/Set ntp configuration. netlog: Read/Set network syslog configuration. xinetd: Enable/disable xinetd services. daemon: Enable/disable daemons. banner: Load a banner file for display during login. ethernet: Config & Display the ethernet media settings. eth_dev: Config & Display the default ethernet device in use. flush: Flush a user's home directory to nonvolatile storage. clock: Set the system & hardware clocks. snmpdconf: Configure communities, location & contact info. snmptrap: Configure receiver community and ip address. pbs_cfg: Query and Config ports for packet-based serial mode. ctp_cfg: Query and Config protocol & OAM port for IP and IPv6. users: Query and Config CTP users. log_user: Manage processes included in logs. iptables: Adds and deletes rules to iptables. copy_logs: Manage copying of logs for 3rd party use. net_cfg: Manage IP network configuration. ctp_allow: Manage IP access to this CTP. set_sec_lvl: Set the security level for the node. systype_biosver: Query the SYSTEM TYPE and BIOS Version. passwd_req: Query the current password requirements.