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CTPView Network Management System
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Understanding CTPView GUI User Levels

date_range 26-May-23

This topic describes the user security levels available in the CTPView GUI.

Three user levels are provided to enhance the security of CTPView GUI logins:

  • Net_View—Users in this class are restricted to query-only access to CTP platforms. Early versions of the CTPView software referred to this class as query-only users. Net_View users can change their own passwords.

  • Net_Admin—Users in this class can configure CTP platforms. They do not have permission to create or modify CTPView user accounts. Early versions of the CTPView software referred to this class as administrators. Net_Admin users can change their own passwords.

  • Global_Admin—Users in this class have all the privileges of the Net_Admin class. They are also able to create and modify user accounts. Only members of the Global_Admin user class have access to the CTPView Admin Center, where CTPView user and password profiles are managed.

Each CTPView user has a profile that describes user properties, including user privileges and restrictions. All users are assigned to user groups. Each user group has a set of default user properties that are transferred to new users created in or assigned to that group. Global_Admin users can modify any of the user properties on a per-user basis.
