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Ansible for Junos OS Developer Guide
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Create and Execute Ansible Playbooks to Manage Junos Devices

date_range 14-Nov-24

SUMMARY You can create Ansible playbooks that execute Juniper Networks modules to perform operational and configuration tasks on Junos devices.

Juniper Networks provides Ansible modules that enable you to perform operational and configuration tasks on Junos devices. This topic outlines how to create a simple Ansible playbook to execute Juniper Networks modules on Junos devices.

You create Ansible playbooks to handle more complex management tasks. Playbooks consist of one or more plays, or groups of tasks, that operate on a set of defined hosts. Ansible hosts that are referenced in the playbook must be defined in the Ansible inventory file, which by default resides at /etc/ansible/hosts.

Each playbook play must specify:

  • The hosts on which the tasks operate

  • The list of tasks to execute on each host

  • Any required variables or module parameters, including authentication parameters, if these are not defined elsewhere

A playbook executes tasks on a host by calling modules. The Juniper Networks Ansible modules are distributed through the juniper.device collection, which is hosted on Ansible Galaxy. To use the Juniper Networks modules in your playbook, you must install the collection on the Ansible control node. For more information about the collection and modules, see Understanding the Ansible for Junos OS Collections and Modules.

The Juniper Networks modules do not require Python on Junos devices because they use Junos PyEZ and the Junos XML API over NETCONF to interface with the device. Therefore, to perform operations on Junos devices, you must run modules locally on the Ansible control node, where Python is installed. You can run the modules locally by including connection: local in the playbook play. When you use connection: local, Ansible establishes a separate connection to the host for each task in the play that requires a connection. The juniper.device collection modules also support connection: juniper.device.pyez. This connection type still executes the modules locally on the Ansible control node, but it establishes a connection to the host that persists over the execution of all tasks in a play.

By default, Ansible plays automatically gather system facts from the remote host. However, when you execute the plays locally, Ansible gathers the facts from the Ansible control node instead of the remote host. To avoid gathering facts for the control node, include gather_facts: no in the playbook.

When you execute the Juniper Networks modules using a NETCONF session over SSH, which is the default, you must have NETCONF enabled on the Junos device. We recommend that you create a simple task in the playbook that explicitly tests whether NETCONF is enabled on each device before executing other tasks. If this task fails for any host, by default, Ansible does not execute the remaining tasks for this host. Without this test, you might get a generic connection error during playbook execution that does not indicate whether this or another issue is the cause of any failures.

Playbooks are expressed in YAML. YAML is white-space sensitive and indentation is significant. Therefore, your playbooks should always use spaces rather than tabs. In YAML, items preceded by a hyphen (-) are considered list items, and the key: value notation represents a hash. For detailed information about creating Ansible playbooks, refer to the official Ansible documentation at

The following sections outline the steps for creating and running a simple playbook that executes Ansible modules on a Junos device.

Create a Playbook

To create a simple playbook to perform tasks on Junos devices:

  1. In your favorite editor, create a new file with a descriptive playbook name that uses the .yaml file extension.
  2. Include three dashes to indicate the start of the YAML document.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
  3. Provide a descriptive name for the play.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    - name: Get Device Facts
  4. Define a colon-delimited list of the hosts or groups of hosts on which the modules will operate, or specify all to indicate all hosts in the inventory file.

    Any hosts or groups referenced in the playbook must be defined in the Ansible inventory file.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    - name: Get Device Facts
      hosts: dc1
  5. Instruct Ansible to execute the play’s tasks locally on the Ansible control node where Python is installed because there is no requirement for Python on Junos devices.
    • Include connection: local to execute tasks locally but establish a separate connection to the host for each task in the play that requires a connection.

      content_copy zoom_out_map
      - name: Get Device Facts
        hosts: dc1
        connection: local
    • Include connection: juniper.device.pyez to execute tasks locally but establish a persistent connection to the host that persists over the execution of all tasks in the play. This connection type is only supported by the juniper.device collection modules.

      content_copy zoom_out_map
      - name: Get Device Facts
        hosts: dc1
        connection: juniper.device.pyez

    The remaining steps use connection: local. To use the juniper.device collection modules with a persistent connection, update the final playbook to use connection: juniper.device.pyez.

  6. (Optional) Include gather_facts: no to avoid gathering facts for the target host, which for local connections is the Ansible control node.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    - name: Get Device Facts
      hosts: dc1
      connection: local
      gather_facts: no
  7. (Optional) Reference the juniper.device collection.

    You can define the collections key in the playbook and then reference just the module name in the task. However, the recommended method is to omit the collections key and instead reference collection content by its fully qualified collection name (FQCN).

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    - name: Get Device Facts
      hosts: dc1
      connection: local
      gather_facts: no
        - juniper.device

    This example omits the collections key and uses the fully qualified collection name.

  8. Define a tasks section, and include one or more tasks as list items.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    - name: Get Device Facts
      hosts: dc1
      connection: local
      gather_facts: no
  9. (Optional) As an additional check, create a task to verify NETCONF connectivity for each Junos device.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    - name: Get Device Facts
      hosts: dc1
      connection: local
      gather_facts: no
        - name: Check NETCONF connectivity
            host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
            port: 830 
            timeout: 5
  10. Create tasks that use the Juniper Networks modules, and provide any necessary connection and authentication parameters.

    This example uses existing SSH keys in the default location and does not explicitly provide credentials for the facts module in the playbook.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    - name: Get Device Facts
      hosts: dc1
      connection: local
      gather_facts: no
        - name: Check NETCONF connectivity
            host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
            port: 830 
            timeout: 5
        - name: Retrieve information from Junos devices
            savedir: "{{ playbook_dir }}"
        - name: Print version
            var: junos.version
  11. (Optional) Define additional tasks or additional plays as needed.

Execute the Playbook

To execute the playbook:

  • Issue the ansible-playbook command on the control node, and provide the playbook path and any desired options.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@ansible-cn:~$ ansible-playbook junos-get-facts.yaml
    PLAY [Get Device Facts] ***************************************************
    TASK [Check NETCONF connectivity] *****************************************
    ok: []
    TASK [Retrieve information from Junos devices] ****************************
    ok: []
    TASK [Print version] ******************************************************
    ok: [] => {
        "junos.version": "19.4R1.10"
    PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   