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Configuring Juniper ATP Cloud (No Juniper Connected Security and No Guided Setup) Overview

date_range 22-Jun-21

This is an outline of the configuration tasks you must complete to configure Juniper ATP Cloud mode without Juniper Connected Security mode.


Configuring Policy Enforcer (Juniper Connected Security mode) is required if you want to work on the Juniper Connected Security architecture from within Security Director.

If you prefer to use guided setup, which automatically takes you through the steps listed below, it is located under Configure>Guided Setup >ATP Cloud.

  • Juniper ATP Cloud license and account are needed for all threat prevention types (Juniper ATP Cloud with PE, Juniper ATP Cloud, and Cloud Feeds only). If you do not have a Juniper ATP Cloud license, contact your local sales office or Juniper Networks partner to place an order for a Juniper ATP Cloud premium license. If you do not have a Juniper ATP Cloud account, when you configure Juniper ATP Cloud, you are redirected to the Juniper ATP Cloud server to create one. Please obtain a license before you try to create a Juniper ATP Cloud account. Refer to Obtaining a Juniper ATP Cloud License for instructions on obtaining a Juniper ATP Cloud premium license.

  • Before you configure Juniper ATP Cloud you must enter the IP address and login credentials for the policy enforcer virtual machine. Go to Administration > Policy Enforcer > Settings. Once this information is entered, you can begin the setup process. See Policy Enforcer Settings. (Refer to Policy Enforcer Installation Overview for instructions on downloading Policy Enforcer and creating your policy enforcer virtual machine.)

  1. Create one or more Juniper ATP Cloud realms and enroll SRX Series devices in the appropriate realm. (Enroll devices by clicking Add Devices in the list view once the realm is created.)

    In the UI, navigate to Configure>Threat Prevention>ATP Cloud Realms. Click the + icon to add a new ATP Cloud realm.

    See Creating Juniper ATP Cloud Realms and Enrolling Devices or Associating Sites for details.

  2. Create a threat prevention policy, including profiles for one or more threat types: C&C server, infected host, or malware.

    In the UI, navigate to Configure>Threat Prevention >Policy. Click the + icon to create a new threat prevention policy.

    See Creating Threat Prevention Policies for details.

  3. You must assign a threat prevention policy to a firewall rule before it can take affect.

    In the UI, navigate to Configure > Firewall Policy > Policies. In the Advanced Security column, click an item to access the Edit Advanced Security page and select the threat prevention policy from the Threat Prevention pulldown list.
