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show class-of-service scheduler-hierarchy interface

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show class-of-service scheduler-hierarchy interface interface-name <detail>


For MPC/MIC interfaces only, display the scheduler hierarchy as well as the shaping rate, guaranteed rate, priorities, and queue weight information for each forwarding class at each hierarchy level.



(Optional) Display scheduler hierarchies based on the interface set.


Display information about a specific interface.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show class-of-service scheduler-hierarchy interface command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show class-of-service scheduler-hierarchy interface Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Interface name


Traffic resource associated with the logical interface


Shaping rate in bits per second

guaranteed rate

Guaranteed rate in bits per second

guaranteed priority

Queue priority in the guaranteed region (high, low, or none)

excess priority

Queue priority in the excess region (high, low, or none)

queue weight

Queue weight for excess CoS weighted round-robin

excess weight

Interface unit per priority weights for excess weighted round-robin

Sample Output

show class-of-service scheduler-hierarchy interface

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show class-of-service scheduler-hierarchy interface xe-1/0/0
Interface/                    shaping guaranteed  guaranteed/  queue   excess
resource name                    rate      rate       excess  weight   weight
                                kbits     kbits     priority          high/low 
xe-1/0/0                        12000                                             <<< L1
  xe-1/0/0 RTP                  12000         0                          1    1   
    best-effort                 12000         0     Low  Low     950
    network-control             12000         0     Low  Low      50
  ifset1                        12000         0                        500  500   <<< L2
    ifset1 RTP                  12000         0                          1    1
      be1                         720         0     Low  Low     250
      nc1                       12000         0     Low  Low     250
    demux0.96                    3000         0                          1    1   <<< L3
      demux0.96 RTP              3000         0                        500  500
        be1                      1000         0     Low  Low     250
        nc1                      3000         0     Low  Low     250
      pp0.81                     2000         0                          1    1   <<< L4
         be1                     1000         0     Low  Low     250
         nc1                     2000         0     Low  Low     250

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.3.

Support for up to four hierarchy levels added in Junos OS Release 16.1.


Before Junos OS R19.2, the shaping rate would incorrectly display as 90% of the guaranteed rate.
