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Junos CLI Reference
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{ "lLangCode": "en", "lName": "English", "lCountryCode": "us", "transcode": "en_US" }


date_range 09-Dec-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
websense-redirect {
    profile profile-name {
        account value;
        custom-block-message value;
        fallback-settings {
            default (block | log-and-permit);
            server-connectivity (block | log-and-permit);
            timeout (block | log-and-permit);
            too-many-requests (block | log-and-permit);
        server {
            host host-name;
            port number;
        sockets value; 
        timeout value;

Hierarchy Level

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit security utm default-configuration]
[edit security utm feature-profile web-filtering]


Configure the Websense redirect engine features.

Starting with Junos OS Release 17.4R1, you can download and dynamically load new Enhanced Web Filtering (EWF) categories. The downloading and dynamic loading of the new EWF categories do not require a software upgrade. Websense occasionally releases new EWF categories. EWF classifies websites into categories according to host, URL, or IP address and performs filtering based on the categories.

The new categories do not affect the existing configurations. You can modify the existing configurations to make use of the new categories.



Disable the safe search function.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5.

The [edit security utm default-configuration] hierarchy level is introduced in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.

no-safe-search option added in Junos OS Release 20.2R1.
