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Back Up Configurations to an Archive Site

date_range 27-Feb-24

You can configure a device to transfer its configuration to an archive file periodically.

Configure the Transfer of the Active Configuration

If you want to back up your device’s current configuration to an archive site, you can configure the device to transfer its active configuration by FTP, HTTP, secure copy (SCP), or SFTP periodically or after each commit.

To configure the device to transfer its active configuration to an archive site, include statements at the [edit system archival configuration] hierarchy level:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit system archival configuration]
archive-sites {
routing-instance routing-instance;
transfer-interval interval;

When you configure the device to transfer its configuration files, you specify an archive site to which the files are transferred. If you specify more than one archive site, the device attempts to transfer files to the first archive site in the list, moving to the next site only if the transfer fails.

When you use the archive-sites statement, you can specify a destination as an FTP URL, HTTP URL, SCP-style remote file specification, or SFTP URL. The URL type file: is also supported. When you specify the archive site, do not add a forward slash (/) to the end of the URL.

  • The URL type file: is supported only for local files.
  • When using the FTP option, specify a double forward slash (//) after the host:port. For example: ftp://username@host<:port>//url-path

file:/path/ is the minimal representation of a local file with no authority field and an absolute path that begins with a slash "/" as defined in RFC 8089.

file:///path is an example for a traditional file URI for a local file with an empty authority as defined in RFC 8089.


When specifying a URL in a statement using an IPv6 host address, you must enclose the entire URL in quotation marks ("") and enclose the IPv6 host address in brackets ([ ]). For example, "ftp://username<:password>@[ipv6-host-address]<:port>//url-path"

To configure the device to periodically transfer its active configuration to an archive site, include the transfer-interval statement at the [edit system archival configuration] hierarchy level:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit system archival configuration]
transfer-interval interval;

The interval is a period of time ranging from 15 through 2880 minutes.

To configure the device to transfer the configuration to an archive site each time you commit the configuration, include the transfer-on-commit statement at the [edit system archival configuration] hierarchy level:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit system archival configuration]

If the network device reaches the archive server through a specific routing instance, configure the routing-instance statement at the [edit system archival configuration] hierarchy level, and specify the routing instance.

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit system archival configuration]
    routing-instance routing-instance;

The destination filename is saved in the following format, where n corresponds to the number of the compressed configuration rollback file that has been archived:

content_copy zoom_out_map

The time included in the destination filename is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
