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Subscriber to Logical System and Routing Instance Relationship

As subscriber sessions are established, subscriber to logical system/routing instance memberships are established by the AAA framework configured for the default logical system. When configuring Layer 3 wholesaling, you typically configure global (wholesale) information within the default (master) logical system and default routing instance. Incoming subscribers must then be authenticated, but this authentication can be handled in one of two ways:

  • Single (wholesaler only) authentication—Incoming subscribers are authenticated by the wholesaler RADIUS server. After authentication, the subscribers are assigned values specified by dynamic profiles (routing instances, interfaces, and any configuration values) specific to a particular retailer.
  • Dual (wholesaler and retailer) authentication—Sometimes referred to as double-dip authentication. Incoming subscribers are initially authenticated by RADIUS using the wholesale configuration. Authenticated subscribers are then redirected to other routing instances associated with individual retailer network space. When you redirect subscribers, and those subscribers are to be authenticated by AAA servers owned by individual retailers, the subscribers must be authenticated again by the AAA servers before they are provided an address and any dynamic profile values are assigned. After reauthentication, however, the subscribers are managed normally using any values specific to the retailer routing instance to which they are assigned.

Published: 2012-11-29