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Understanding WAN Framing for 10-Gigabit Ethernet Trio Interfaces

If you use the wan-phy statement option at the [edit interfaces xe-fpc/pic/0 framing] hierarchy level to configure Trio WAN mode framing for 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, then the alarm behavior of the link, although in full compliance with the IEEE 802.3ae 10-Gigabit Ethernet standard, might not be as expected.

In particular:

  • The interface does not distinguish between loss of light (LOL), loss of phase lock loop (PLL), or loss of signal (LOS). If a loss of PLL or LOS alarm occurs, then both PLL and LOS alarms are raised. LOL is also raised because there is no separate LOL indication from the hardware.
  • The interface does not raise LOS, PLL, or LOL alarms when the fiber in disconnected from the interface port. You must remove the hardware to raise this alarm.
  • The interface line-level alarm indicator signal (AIS-L) is not always raised in response to a loss of framing (LOF) defect alarm.
  • If the AIS-L or path-level AIS (AIS-P) occurs, the interface path-level loss of code delineation (LCD-P) is not detected. LCD-P is seen during the path-level remote defect indicator (RDI-P) alarm.
  • If an AIS-L alarm occurs, the AIS-P is not detected, but the LOP alarm is detected.

None of the alarm issues are misleading, but they make troubleshooting the root cause of problems more complex.

Published: 2012-12-11