Example: Configuring a Channelized OC12 IQ Interface as an Unpartitioned Clear Channel
Configuring a SONET/SDH Interface
Configure a channelized OC12 interface as an unpartitioned, clear channel:
[edit interfaces]coc12-5/0/0 {no-partition interface-type so; # so-5/0/0}
Configuring Multiple Interface Types
Configure the following interfaces on a Channelized OC12 IQ or IQE PIC:
- An OC3 interface
- Another OC3 interface
- A channelized OC1 partitioned into T1 interfaces
- A channelized OC1 converted into a T3 interface
- A channelized OC1 partitioned into T1 interfaces and channelized T1s, which are partitioned into NxDS0 interfaces
- A channelized OC1 converted into a channelized T3, which is partitioned into T1 interfaces
- A channelized OC1 converted into a channelized T3, which is partitioned into T1 interfaces and a channelized T1, which is partitioned into NxDS0 interfaces
- A channelized OC1 partitioned into channelized T1s, which are partitioned into NxDS0 interfaces
Configuring the Interface Partitions
[edit interfaces]coc12-1/1/0 {sonet-options {sonet-options-statements;}partition 1 oc-slice 1-3 interface-type so; # (a) so-1/1/0:1partition 2 oc-slice 4-6 interface-type so; # (b) so-1/1/0:2partition 3 oc-slice 7 interface-type coc1; # (c) coc1-1/1/0:3partition 4 oc-slice 8 interface-type coc1; #(d) coc1-1/1/0:5partition 5 oc-slice 9 interface-type coc1; # (e) coc1/1/0:5partition 6 oc-slice 10 interface-type coc1; # (f) coc1-1/1/0:6partition 7 oc-slice 11 interface-type coc1; # (g) coc1-1/1/0:7partition 8 oc-slice 12 interface-type coc1; # (h) coc1-1/1/0:8}
so-1/1/0:1 {description “(a) OC-slice 1-3 of coc12-1/1/0. COC12 > OC3.;sonet-options {sonet-options-statements;}}
so-1/1/0:2 {description “(b) OC-slice 4-6 of coc12-1/1/0. COC12 > OC3.;sonet-options {sonet-options-statements;}}
coc1-1/1/0:3 {description “(c) OC-slice 7 of coc12-1/1/0. COC12 to COC1 VT-mapped to T1s.”;sonet-options {sonet-options-statements;}partition 1 - 10 interface-type t1; # t1-1/1/0:[1-10]}t1-1/1/0:3:1 {description “(c) OC-slice 7 of coc12-1/1/0. T1 interface configuration.”;t1-options {t1-options-statements;}}...
coc1-1/1/0:4 {description “(d) OC-slice 8 of coc12-1/1/0. COC12 to COC1 converted to a T3.”;sonet-options {sonet-options-statements;}no-partition interface-type t3; # t3-1/1/0:4}t3-1/1/0:4 {description “(d) OC-slice 8 of coc12-1/1/0. T3 interface configuration.”;}
coc1-1/1/0:5 {description “(e) OC-slice 9 of coc12-1/1/0. COC12 to COC1 VT-mapped to T1s.”;sonet-options {sonet-options-statements;}partition 1 - 3 interface-type t1; # t1-1/1/0:5:[1-3]partition 4 interface-type ct1; # ct1-1/1/0:5:4}t1-1/1/0:5:1 {description “(e) OC-slice 9 of coc12-1/1/0. T1 interface configuration.”;t1-options {t1-options-statements;}}...ct1-1/1/0:5:4 {description “(e) OC-slice 9 of coc12-1/1/0. CT1 to NxDSOs.;t1-options {t1-options-statements;}partition 1 timeslots 0 - 10 interface-type ds0; # ds-1/1/0:5:4:1partition 2 timeslots 11- 23 interface-type ds0; # ds-1/1/0:5:4:2...}
coc1-1/1/0:6 {description “(f) OC-slice 10 of coc12-1/1/0. COC12 to COC1 converted to a CT3 to T1s.”;sonet-options {sonet-options-statements;}no-partition interface-type ct3; # ct3-1/1/0:6}ct3-1/1/0:6 {description “(f) COC12 to CT3 M-13 and C-bit parity-mapped to T1s.;sonet-options {sonet-options-statements;}partition 1 - 10 interface-type t1; # t1-1/1/0:6:[1-10]}t1-1/1/0:6:1 {description “(f) T1 interface configuration.”;t1-options {t1-options-statements;}}...
coc1-1/1/0:7 {description “(g) OC-slice 11 of coc12-1/1/0. COC12 to COC1 converted to a CT3 to T1s and CT1 to NxDS0s.”;sonet-options {sonet-options-statements;}no-partition interface-type ct3; # ct3-1/1/0:7}ct3-1/1/0:7 {description “(g) COC12 to CT3 M-13 and C-bit parity-mapped to T1s and CT1.”;sonet-options {sonet-options-statements;}partition 1 - 10 interface-type t1; # t1-1/1/0:7:[1-10]partition 2 interface-type ct1; # ct1-1/1/0:7:11}t1-1/1/0:7:1 {description “(g) T1 interface configuration.”;t1-options {t1-options-statements;}}...ct1-1/1/0:7:11 {description “(g) CT1 to NxDSOs.”;t1-options {t1-options-statements;}partition 1 timeslots 0 - 10 interface-type ds0; # ds-1/1/0:7:11:1partition 2 timeslots 11- 23 interface-type ds0; # ds-1/1/0:7:11:2...}
coc1-1/1/0:8 {description “(h) OC-slice 12 of coc12-1/1/0. COC12 to COC1 VT-mapped to CT1 to NxDS0s.”;sonet-options {sonet-options-statements;}partition 1 interface-type t1; # ct1-1/1/0:8:1}ct1-1/1/0:8:1 {description “(h) CT1 to NxDSOs.”;t1-options {t1-options-statements;}partition 1 timeslots 0 - 10 interface-type ds0; # ds-1/1/0:8:1:1partition 2 timeslots 11- 23 interface-type ds0; # ds-1/1/0:8:1:2...}
For a full configuration example, see the Junos OS Feature Guides.