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clear isis database


clear isis database<entries><instance instance-name><logical-system (all | logical-system-name)><purge>

Syntax (EX Series Switches and QFX Series)

clear isis database<entries><instance instance-name><purge>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

purge option introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for the QFX Series.


Remove the entries from the IS-IS link-state database, which contains prefixes and topology information. You can also use purge with any of the options to initiate a network-wide purge of link-state PDUs rather than the local deletion of entries from the IS-IS link-state database.

Caution: In a production network, the purge command option might cause short-term network-wide traffic disruptions.



Remove all entries from the IS-IS link-state database for all routing instances.


(Optional) Name of the database entry.

instance instance-name

(Optional) Clear all entries for the specified routing instance.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.


(Optional) Discard all entries in the IS-IS link-state database.

Required Privilege Level



Related Documentation


List of Sample Output

clear isis database

Output Fields

See show isis database for an explanation of output fields.

Sample Output

clear isis database

The following sample output displays IS-IS link-state database information before and after the clear isis database command is entered:

user@host> show isis database
IS-IS level 1 link-state database:
LSP ID                  Sequence Checksum Lifetime (secs)
crater.00-00                0x12   0x84dd            1139
  1 LSPs
IS-IS level 2 link-state database:
LSP ID                  Sequence Checksum Lifetime (secs)
crater.00-00                0x19   0xe92c            1134
badlands.00-00              0x16   0x1454             985
carlsbad.00-00              0x33   0x220b            1015
ranier.00-00                0x2e   0xfc31            1007
1921.6800.5066.00-00        0x11   0x7313             566
1921.6800.5067.00-00        0x14   0xd9d4             939
  6 LSPs

user@host> clear isis database
user@host> show isis database
IS-IS level 1 link-state database:
LSP ID                  Sequence Checksum Lifetime (secs)

IS-IS level 2 link-state database:
LSP ID                  Sequence Checksum Lifetime (secs)

Published: 2013-04-03


Related Documentation


Published: 2013-04-03