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Supported Platforms

request system reboot


request system reboot<at time><in minutes><media (external | internal)><message “text”><routing-engine>

Syntax (QFX Series)

request system reboot<all <graceful>><at time><director-group <graceful>><fabric <graceful>><in minutes><media ><message “text”><node-group name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.


Reboot the Junos OS.

Note: On a QFabric system, to avoid traffic loss on the network Node group, switch mastership of the routing engine to the backup routing engine, and then reboot.

Reboot requests are recorded in the system log files, which you can view with the show log command. You can view the process names with the show system processes command.



Reboots the software immediately.


(QFabric Systems Only) (Optional) Reboots the software on the Director group, fabric control Routing Engines, fabric manager Routing Engines, Interconnect devices, and network and server Node groups.

at time

(Optional) Time at which to reboot the software, specified in one of the following ways:

  • +minutes—Number of minutes from now to reboot the software.
  • hh:mm—Absolute time on the current day at which to reboot the software, specified in 24-hour time.
  • now—Stop or reboot the software immediately. This is the default.
  • yymmddhhmm—Absolute time at which to reboot the software, specified as year, month, day, hour, and minute.

(QFabric Systems Only) (Optional) Reboots the software on the Director group and the default partition (QFabric CLI).


(QFabric Systems only) (Optional) Reboots the fabric control Routing Engines and the Interconnect devices.


(QFabric Systems only) (Optional) Allows the QFabric component to reboot with minimal impact to network traffic. This option is only available for the all, fabric, and director-group options.

in minutes

(Optional) Number of minutes from now to reboot the software. This option is an alias for the at +minutes option.

media (external | internal)

(Optional) Boot medium for the next boot. The external option reboots the switch using a software package stored on an external boot source, such as a USB flash drive. The internal option reboots the switch using a software package stored in an internal memory source.

message “text

(Optional) Message to display to all system users before rebooting the software.

node-group name

(QFabric systems only) (Optional) Reboots the software on a server Node group or a network Node group.


(Optional) Reboot the Routing Engine.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.

Sample Output

request system reboot

user@switch> request system reboot
Reboot the system ? [yes,no] (no)

request system reboot (At 2300)

user@switch> request system reboot at 2300 message ?Maintenance time!?
Reboot the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes

shutdown: [pid 186]
*** System shutdown message from ***
System going down at 23:00

request system reboot (In 2 Hours)

The following example, which assumes that the time is 5 PM (1700), illustrates three different ways to request the system to reboot in 2 hours:

user@switch> request system reboot at +120

user@switch> request system reboot in 120

user@switch> request system reboot at 19:00

request system reboot (Immediately)

user@switch> request system reboot at now

request system reboot (At 1:20 AM)

To reboot the system at 1:20 AM, enter the following command. Because 1:20 AM is the next day, you must specify the absolute time.

user@switch> request system reboot at 06060120
request system reboot at 120
Reboot the system at 120? [yes,no] (no) yes

Published: 2013-01-23

Supported Platforms

Published: 2013-01-23