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request virtual-chassis vc-port


request virtual-chassis vc-port set | delete <fpc-slot fpc-slot> pic-slot pic-slot port port-number <member member-id>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

Option fpc-slot introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4 for EX Series switches.


Enable or disable an uplink port (on an SFP, SFP+, or XFP uplink interface) or an SFP network port as a Virtual Chassis port (VCP).

If you omit member member-id, this command defaults to enabling or disabling the uplink VCP or SFP network port configured as a VCP on the switch where the command is issued.

On an EX3300 switch, uplink ports 2 and 3 are configured as VCPs by default. No other uplink ports on any other EX Series switches are configured as VCPs by default.

You might experience a temporary traffic disruption immediately after creating or deleting a user-configured VCP in an EX8200 Virtual Chassis.


pic-slot pic-slot

Number of the PIC slot for the uplink port or SFP network port on the switch.

port port-number

Number of the uplink port or SFP network port that is to be enabled or disabled as a VCP.

member member-id

(Optional) Enable or disable the specified VCP on the specified member of the Virtual Chassis configuration.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port 0
request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port 1 member 3
request virtual-chassis vc-port delete pic-slot 1 port 1 member 3

Sample Output

request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port 0

user@switch> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port 0

To check the results of this command, use the show virtual-chassis vc-port command.

request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port 1 member 3

user@switch> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port 1 member 3

To check the results of this command, use the show virtual-chassis vc-port command.

request virtual-chassis vc-port delete pic-slot 1 port 1 member 3

user@switch> request virtual-chassis vc-port delete pic-slot 1 port 1 member 3

To check the results of this command, use the show virtual-chassis vc-port command.

Published: 2012-12-07