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    save filename

    QFX Series

    save (dhcp-snooping filename)

    Release Information

    Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

    Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.


    Save the configuration to an ASCII file. The contents of the current level of the statement hierarchy (and below) are saved, along with the statement hierarchy containing it. This allows a section of the configuration to be saved, while fully specifying the statement hierarchy.

    When saving a file to a remote system, the software uses the scp/ssh protocol.


    filename—Name of the saved file. You can specify a filename in one of the following ways:

    • filename—File in the user’s home directory (the current directory) on the local flash drive.
    • path/filename—File on the local flash drive.
    • /var/filename or /var/path/filename—File on the local hard disk.
    • a:filename or a:path/filename—File on the local drive. The default path is / (the root-level directory). The removable media can be in MS-DOS or UNIX (UFS) format.
    • hostname:/path/filename, hostname:filename, hostname:path/filename, or scp:// hostname/path/filename—File on an scp/ssh client. This form is not available in the worldwide version of Junos OS. The default path is the user’s home directory on the remote system. You can also specify hostname as username@hostname.
    • ftp://hostname/path/filename—File on an FTP server. You can also specify hostname as username @hostname or username:password @hostname. The default path is the user’s home directory. To specify an absolute path, the path must start with the string %2F; for example, ftp://hostname/%2Fpath/filename. To have the system prompt you for the password, specify prompt in place of the password. If a password is required, and you do not specify the password or prompt, an error message is displayed:
      user@host> file copy copy Not logged in.user@host> file copy

    Password for

    • http://hostname/path/filename—File on a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. You can also specify hostname as username@hostname or username:password@hostname. If a password is required and you omit it, you are prompted for it.
    • re0:/path/filename or re1:/path/filename—File on a local Routing Engine.

    Required Privilege Level

    configure—To enter configuration mode.

    Published: 2013-01-23