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description (VLANs)


description text-description;

Hierarchy Level

[edit vlans vlan-name]

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

Option text-description enhanced from supporting up to 128 characters to supporting up to 256 characters in Junos OS Release 10.2 for EX Series switches.


Provide a textual description of the VLAN. The text has no effect on the operation of the VLAN or switch.


text-description—Text to describe the interface. It can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens (-) and can be up to 256 characters long. If the text includes spaces, enclose the entire text in quotation marks.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2012-12-06