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evcs evc-id {evc-protocol cfm management-domain domain-id (management-association association-id | vpls (routing-instance instance-id);remote-uni-count count;multipoint-to-multipoint;}

Hierarchy Level

[edit protocols oam ethernet]

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5.


On MX Series routers with ge, xe, or ae interfaces, configure an OAM Ethernet virtual connection.


evc-protocol cfm | vpls—Specify connectivity fault management (CFM) or virtual private LAN service (VPLS) as the Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) protocol.

management-domain domain-id—(Optional) For CFM, specify the CFM management domain.

management-association association-id—(Optional) For CFM, specify the CFM management association.

routing-instance instance-id—(Optional) For VPLS, specify the VPLS routing instance.

remote-uni-count count—(Optional) Specify the number of remote UNIs in the EVC configuration, the default is 1.

multipoint-to-multipoint—(Optional) Specify multiple points in the EVC configuration, the default is point-to-point if remote-uni-count is 1.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2012-12-11