Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- M, MX, PTX, T Series
- Configuring Load Balancing Based on MPLS Labels on DPC I-Chip-Based Hardware
- M, MX, T Series
- Configuring Load Balancing for Ethernet Pseudowires
family mpls
Hierarchy Level
Release Information
Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
no-label-1-exp option introduced in Junos OS Release 8.0.
label-3 and no-labels options introduced in Junos OS Release 8.1.
ether-pseudowire option introduced in Junos OS Release 9.1 (M320 and T Series routers only); support extended to M120 and MX Series routers in Junos OS Release 9.4.
all-labels and payload ip disable options introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X48R2. (PTX Series Packet Transport Switches only).
For aggregated Ethernet and SONET/SDH interfaces only, configure load balancing based on MPLS labels and payload. Only the IPv4 protocol is supported.
family mpls—(Aggregated Ethernet interfaces, aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces, and multiple equal-cost MPLS next hops only) Incorporate MPLS label and payload information into the hash key for per-flow load balancing. Only the IPv4 protocol is supported.
- all-labels—(PTX Series Packet Transport Switches only) Up to eight MPLS labels are included in the hash key to identify the uniqueness of a flow in the Packet Forwarding Engine. This is the default setting.
- label-1—(M120, M320, MX Series, and T Series routers only) Include the first MPLS label into the hash key. This is used for a one-label packet for per-flow load balancing IPv4 VPLS traffic based on IP information and MPLS labels.
- label-2—(M120, M320, MX Series, and T Series routers only) Include the second MPLS label into the hash key. This is used for a two-label packet for per-flow load balancing IPv4 VPLS traffic based on IP information and MPLS labels. To use the second MPLS label in the hash key, include both the label-1 and label-2 statements at the [edit forwarding-options hash-key family mpls] hierarchy level. By default, the router provides hashing on the first and second labels. If both labels are specified, the entire first label and the first 16 bits of the second label are hashed.
- label-3—(M120, M320, MX Series, and T Series routers only) Include the third MPLS label into the hash key. To use the third MPLS label, include the label-1, label-2, and label-3 statements at the [edit forwarding-options hash-key family mpls] hierarchy level.
- no-labels—Include no MPLS labels into the hash key.
- no-label-1-exp—(M120, M320, MX Series, and T Series routers only) The EXP bit of the first label is not used in the hash calculation to avoid reordering complications.
- payload—Incorporate bits from the IP
payload into the hash key for per-flow load balancing Layer 2 information
based on MPLS labels.
- disable—(PTX Series Packet Transport Switches only) Exclude IP payload from the hash key.
- ether-pseudowire—(M120, M320, MX Series, and T Series routers only) Load-balance IPv4 traffic over Layer 2 Ethernet pseudowires.
- ip—Include the IP address of the IPv4
or IPv6 payload into the hash key for per-flow load balancing Layer
2 information based on MPLS labels. For the PTX Series Packet Transport
Switches, this is the default setting with both Layer 3 and Layer
4 IP information included in the hash key.
- disable—(PTX Series Packet Transport Switches only) Exclude IP payload from the hash key.
- layer-3-only—Include only Layer 3 IP information from the IP payload data into the hash key for per-flow load balancing Layer 2 information based on MPLS labels.
- port-data—(M120, M320, MX Series, and
T Series routers only) Include the source and destination port field
information into the hash key. By default, the most significant byte
and least significant byte of the source and destination port fields
are hashed. To select specific bytes to be hashed, include one or
more of the source-msb, source-lsb, destination-msb, and destination-lsb options at the [edit forwarding-options hash-key family mpls payload ip port-data] hierarchy level.
To prevent all four bytes from being hashed, include the layer-3-only statement at the [edit forwarding-options hash-key family mpls payload ip] hierarchy level.
destination-lsb—Include the least-significant byte of the destination port.
- destination-msb—Include the most-significant byte of the destination port.
- source-lsb—Include the least-significant byte of the source port.
- source-msb—Include the most-significant byte of the source port.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Related Documentation
- M, MX, PTX, T Series
- Configuring Load Balancing Based on MPLS Labels on DPC I-Chip-Based Hardware
- M, MX, T Series
- Configuring Load Balancing for Ethernet Pseudowires
Published: 2012-12-04
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- M, MX, PTX, T Series
- Configuring Load Balancing Based on MPLS Labels on DPC I-Chip-Based Hardware
- M, MX, T Series
- Configuring Load Balancing for Ethernet Pseudowires