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family (Sampling)


family (inet | inet6 | mpls) {disable;output {aggregate-export-interval seconds;flow-active-timeout seconds;flow-inactive-timeout seconds;extension-service service-name;flow-server hostname {aggregation {autonomous-system;destination-prefix;protocol-port;source-destination-prefix {caida-compliant;}source-prefix;}autonomous-system-type (origin | peer);(local-dump | no-local-dump);port port-number;source-address address;version format;version9 {template template-name;}}interface interface-name {engine-id number;engine-type number;source-address address;}file {disable;filename filename;files number;size bytes;(stamp | no-stamp);(world-readable | no-world-readable);}inline-jflow {source-address address;flow-export-rate rate;}}}

Hierarchy Level

Release Information

Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

mpls option introduced in Release 8.3.

inet6 option introduced in Release 9.4.


Configure the protocol family to be sampled. IPv4 (inet) is supported for most purposes, but you can configure family mpls to collect and export MPLS label information or family inet6 to collect and export IPv6 traffic using flow aggregation version 9.

The remaining statements are explained separately.

Note: The inline-jflow statement is valid only under the [edit forwarding-options sampling instance instance-name family inet output] hierarchy level. The file statement is valid only under the [edit forwarding-options sampling family inet output] hierarchy level.

Usage Guidelines

See Configuring Traffic Sampling.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2012-11-27

Published: 2012-11-27