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fc-map fc-map-value;

Hierarchy Level

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For the QFX Series only:

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Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4 for EX Series switches.

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.


Set the FCoE mapped address prefix (FC-MAP) value for the FCoE VLAN to match the FC switch (or FCoE forwarder) FC-MAP value for the FC fabric. The FC-MAP value is a unique MAC address prefix an FC switch uses to identify FCoE traffic for a given FC fabric (traffic on a particular FCoE VLAN).

You can configure the FC-MAP value or use the default value. The default FC-MAP value is different for VN_Port to VF_Port (VN2VF_Port) FIP snooping (0x0EFC00) than for VN_Port to VN_Port (VN2VN_Port) FIP snooping.

The FC switch provides the FC-MAP value to FCoE nodes (ENodes) in the FIP discovery advertisement message. If the EX Series switch or the QFX Series FCoE VLAN FC-MAP value does not match the FC switch FC-MAP value, neither device discovers the FC switch on that VLAN, and the ENodes on that VLAN cannot access the FC switch. The FC switch accepts only FCoE traffic that uses the correct FC-MAP value as part of the VN_Port MAC address.

When the QFX Series acts as an FCoE-FC gateway, the FC-MAP value for the gateway and the FCoE devices must match the FC switch FC-MAP value in order to communicate with the FC switch.

Note: Changing the FC-MAP value causes all logins to drop and forces the ENodes to log in again.


fc-map-value—FC-MAP value, hexadecimal value preceded by “0x”.

Range: 0x0EFC00 through 0x0EFCFF

Default: 0x0EFC00 for VN2VF_Port FIP snooping

0x0EFD00 for VN2VN_Port FIP snooping

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.
routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2013-11-08