ftp (Flow Collector Files)
Hierarchy Level
[edit services flow-collector destination]
Release Information
Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Specify the primary and secondary destination FTP server addresses.
url—FTP server address. The URL can include the following macros, typed in braces:
- {%D}—Date
- {%T)—Time when the file is created
- {%I}—Description string for the logical interface configured using the collector interface-name statement at the [edit services flow-collector interface-map] hierarchy
- {%N}—Unique, sequential number for each new file created
- {am_pm}—AM or PM
- {date}—Current date using the {year} {month} {day} macros
- {day}—From 01 through 31
- {day_abbr}—Sun through Sat
- {day_full}—Sunday through Saturday
- {generation number}—Unique, sequential number for each new file created
- {hour_12}—From 01 through 12
- {hour_24}—From 00 through 23
- {ifalias}—Description string for the logical interface configured using the collector statement at the [edit services flow-collector interface-map] hierarchy
- {minute}—From 00 through 59
- {month}—From 01 through 12
- {month_abbr}—Jan through Dec
- {month_full}—January through December
- {num_zone}—From -2359 to +2359; this macro is not supported
- {second}—From 00 through 60
- {time}—Time the file is created, using the {hour_24} {minute} {second} macros
- {time_zone}—Time zone code name of the locale; for example, gmt (this macro is not supported).
- {year}—In the format YYYY; for example, 1970
- {year_abbr}—From 00 through 99
Usage Guidelines
See Configuring Destination FTP Servers for Flow Records.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.