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members [ (all | names | vlan-ids) ];

Hierarchy Level

[edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family ethernet-switching vlan (802.1Q Tagging)]

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

Statement updated with enhanced ? (CLI completion feature) functionality in Junos OS Release 9.5 for EX Series switches.


For trunk interfaces, configure the VLANs that can carry traffic.

Tip: To display a list of all configured VLANs on the system, including VLANs that are configured but not committed, type ? after vlan or vlans in your configuration mode command line. Note that only one VLAN is displayed for a VLAN range.

Note: The number of VLANs supported per switch varies for each model. Use the configuration-mode command set vlans id vlan-id ? to determine the maximum number of VLANs allowed on a switch. You cannot exceed this VLAN limit because each VLAN is assigned an ID number when it is created. You can, however, exceed the recommended VLAN member maximum. To determine the maximum number of VLAN members allowed on a switch, multiply the VLAN maximum for the switch times 8 (vmember limit = vlan max * 8).

If a switch configuration exceeds the recommended VLAN member maximum, you see a warning message when you commit the configuration. If you ignore the warning and commit such a configuration, the configuration succeeds but you run the risk of crashing the Ethernet switching process (eswd) due to memory allocation failure.


all—Specifies that this trunk interface is a member of all the VLANs that are configured on this switch. When a new VLAN is configured on the switch, this trunk interface automatically becomes a member of the VLAN.

Note: Since VLAN members are limited, specifying all could cause the number of VLAN members to exceed the limit at some point.

names—Name of one or more VLANs. VLAN IDs are applied automatically in this case.

Note: all cannot be a VLAN name.

vlan-ids—Numeric identifier of one or more VLANs. For a series of tagged VLANs, specify a range; for example, 10-20 or 10-20 23 27-30.

Note: Each configured VLAN must have a specified VLAN ID to successfully commit the configuration; otherwise, the configuration commit fails.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2012-12-07