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native-vlan-id number;

Hierarchy Level

[edit interfaces ge-fpc/pic/port][edit interfaces interface-name]

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.3.

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for ACX Series Universal Access Routers.

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX Series switches.


Configure mixed tagging support for untagged packets on a port for the following:

  • M Series routers with Gigabit Ethernet IQ PICs with SFP and Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PICs with SFP configured for 802.1Q flexible VLAN tagging
  • MX Series routers with Gigabit Ethernet DPCs and MICs, Tri-Rate Ethernet DPCs and MICs, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet DPCs and MICs and MPCs configured for 802.1Q flexible VLAN tagging

When the native-vlan-id statement is included with the flexible-vlan-tagging statement, untagged packets are accepted on the same mixed VLAN-tagged port.

The logical interface on which untagged packets are received must be configured with the same native VLAN ID as that configured on the physical interface. To configure the logical interface, include the vlan-id statement (matching the native-vlan-id statement on the physical interface) at the [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number] hierarchy level.

When the native-vlan-id statement is included with the interface-mode the statement, untagged packets are accepted and forwarded within the bridge domain that is configured with the matching VLAN ID.

Note: As per 12.3 Ethernet Interfaces Configuration guide, native-vlan-id enables the tagged interface to accept untagged frames. However, when native-vlan-id is configured, VLAN ID is popped in egress as long as the VID in the outgoing frame matches the native-vlan-id.


number—VLAN ID number.

Range: (ACX Series routers and EX Series switches) 0 through 4094.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2013-12-17