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no-partition interface-type (e1 | (cau4 | so) | (ct3 | t3) | so | t3);

Hierarchy Level

[edit interfaces ce1-fpc/pic/port],[edit interfaces coc1-fpc/pic/port:channel],[edit interfaces coc12-fpc/pic/port],[edit interfaces cstm1-fpc/pic/port],[edit interfaces ct3-fpc/pic/port]

Release Information

Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.


For Channelized E1 IQ PICs only, configure the channelized E1 interface as an unpartitioned, clear channel.

For Channelized OC12 PIC only, convert the channelized OC1 IQ interface into a channelized T3 interface or a T3 interface. You perform this configuration task for C-bit parity and M13-mapped configurations.

For Channelized OC12 IQ PICs only, configure the channelized OC12 interface as an unpartitioned, clear channel.

For Channelized STM1 PIC only, convert the channelized STM1 IQ interface into a channelized Administrative Unit 4 (AU-4) interface or a SONET/SDH STM1 interface.

For Channelized DS3 PIC only, configure the channelized T3 interface as an unpartitioned, clear channel.


If you do not include either this statement or the partition statement, the Channelized IQ PIC is not partitioned, and no data channels are configured.


The option used must correspond to the physical interface type:

e1—E1 interface type.

coc12 so—Channelized OC12 interface type, in SONET mode.

cau4—Channelized AU-4 interface type.

cstm1—SONET/SDH STM1 interface type, in SDH mode.

ct3—Channelized T3 interface type.

t3—T3 interface type.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2012-12-11