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port-error-disable {disable-timeout timeout ;}

Hierarchy Level

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6 for EX Series switches.


Disable rather than block an interface when enforcing MAC limiting, MAC move limiting, and rate-limiting configuration options for shutting down the interface, and allow the interface to recover automatically from the error condition after a specified period of time:

  • If you have enabled mac-limit with the shutdown option and enable port-error-disable, the switch disables (rather than shuts down) the interface when the MAC address limit is reached.
  • If you have enabled mac-move-limit with the shutdown option and you enable port-error-disable, the switch disables (rather than shuts down) the interface when the maximum number of moves to a new interface is reached.
  • If you have enabled storm-control with the action-shutdown option and you enable port-error-disable, the switch disables (rather than shuts down) the interface when applicable traffic exceeds the specified levels. Depending upon the configuration, applicable traffic could include broadcast, unknown unicast, and multicast traffic.

Note: The port-error-disable configuration does not apply to pre-existing error conditions. It impacts only error conditions that are detected after port-error-disable has been enabled and committed. To clear a pre-existing error condition and restore the interface to service, use the clear ethernet-switching port-error command.


Not enabled.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.
system–control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2012-12-07