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request-type (get-next-request | get-request | walk-request);

Hierarchy Level

[edit snmp rmon alarm index]

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.3.

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.


Extend monitoring to a specific SNMP object instance (get-request), or extend monitoring to all object instances belonging to a MIB branch (walk-request), or extend monitoring to the next object instance after the instance specified in the configuration (get-next-request).


get-next-request—Performs an SNMP get next request.

get-request—Performs an SNMP get request.

walk-request—Performs an SNMP walk request.

Default: walk-request

Required Privilege Level

snmp—To view this statement in the configuration.

snmp-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2012-12-08

Published: 2012-12-08