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Related Documentation
rule (Configuring)
rule rule-name {count-type (application | rule);demux (destination-address | source-address);forward-rule forward-rule-name;match-direction (input | input-output | output);term precedence {from {application-group-any;application-groups [ application-group-name ];applications [ application-name ];local-port-range low low-value high high-value;local-ports [ value-list ];protocol protocol-number;remote-address address <except>;remote-address-range low low-value high high-value <except>;remote-ports [ value-list ];remote-port-range low low-value high high-value;remote-prefix-list prefix-list-name <except>;}then {(accept | discard);count (application | application-group | application-group-any | rule | none);forwarding-class forwarding-class;police policer-name;}}}
Hierarchy Level
[edit services ptsp]
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2.
Specify the rule the router uses when applying this service.
rule-name—Identifier for the collection of terms that constitute this rule.
The remaining statements are explained separately.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.