Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Example: Configuring NETCONF Tracing Operations
- ACX, EX, M, MX, PTX, QFX, SRX, T Series
- netconf
traceoptions (NETCONF)
Hierarchy Level
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2.
Define tracing operations for NETCONF sessions.
If you do not include this statement, NETCONF-specific tracing operations are not performed.
file filename | — | Name of the file to receive the output of the tracing
operation. All files are placed in the |
Default: /var/log/netconf
files number | — | (Optional) Maximum number of trace files. When a trace
file named If you specify a maximum number of files, you also must specify a maximum file size with the size option and a filename. |
Range: 2 through 1000 files
Default: 10 files
flag flag | — | Tracing operation to perform. To specify more than one tracing operation, include multiple flag statements. You can include the following flags:
match regular-expression | — | (Optional) Refine the output to include only those lines that match the regular expression. |
no-remote-trace | — | (Optional) Disable remote tracing. |
no-world-readable | — | (Optional) Disable unrestricted file access, which restricts file access to the owner. This is the default. |
on-demand | — | (Optional) Enable on-demand tracing, which requires that you start and stop tracing operations from within the NETCONF session. If configured, tracing operations are performed for a NETCONF session only when requested through the <request-netconf-trace> operation. Within a NETCONF session, issue the <request-netconf-trace><start/></request-netconf-trace> RPC to start tracing operations for that session, and issue the <request-netconf-trace><stop/></request-netconf-trace> RPC to stop tracing operations for that session. |
size size | — | (Optional) Maximum size of each trace file in bytes, kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB). If you don’t specify a unit, the default is bytes. If you specify a maximum file size, you also must specify a maximum number of trace files with the files option and a filename. |
Syntax: size to specify bytes, sizek to specify KB, sizem to specify MB, or sizeg to specify GB
Range: 10240 through 1073741824 bytes
Default: 128 KB
world-readable | — | (Optional) Enable unrestricted file access. |
Required Privilege Level
system—To view this statement in the configuration.
system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Example: Configuring NETCONF Tracing Operations
- ACX, EX, M, MX, PTX, QFX, SRX, T Series
- netconf
Published: 2012-11-29
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Example: Configuring NETCONF Tracing Operations
- ACX, EX, M, MX, PTX, QFX, SRX, T Series
- netconf