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Supported Platforms

Supported Interface Configurations

With 12-port Channelized T1/E1 Circuit Emulation PICs, ATM supports T1 and E1 interfaces:

[edit interfaces at-fpc/pic/port ]t1-optionse1-options

A sample configuration follows:

at-0/2/1:3 {atm-options {pic-type atm-ce;}e1-options {framing g704;}t1-options {framing sf;}}

Note: In the sample configuration above, both T1 and E1 framing are set. Depending on which Circuit Emulation PIC you are using (T1 or E1), only the appropriate options are functional.

The following CLI output showing the available T1 interface options:

[edit interfaces at-0/2/1:3]user@host# set t1-options ?
     Possible completions:
     + apply-groups         Groups from which to inherit configuration data
     + apply-groups-except  Don't inherit configuration data from these groups
       bert-algorithm       Set BERT algorithm
       byte-encoding        Byte encoding
       crc-major-alarm-threshold  CRC Major alarm threshold value
       crc-minor-alarm-threshold  CRC Minor alarm threshold value
       framing              Framing mode
       invert-data          Invert data
       line-encoding        Line encoding
       loopback             Loopback mode

The following CLI output showing the available E1 interface options:

[edit interfaces at-0/2/1:3]user@host#set e1-options ?
     Possible completions:
     + apply-groups         Groups from which to inherit configuration data
     + apply-groups-except  Don't inherit configuration data from these groups
       bert-error-rate      Bit error rate (10^-n for n > 0, and zero for n = 0) (0..7)
       bert-period          Length of BERT test (1..86400 seconds)
       framing              Framing mode
       loopback             Loopback mode

Published: 2012-12-07

Supported Platforms

Published: 2012-12-07