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Configuring the Junos OS to Enable a SONET PIC to Operate in Channelized (Multiplexed) Mode

By default, SONET PICs (interfaces with names so-fpc/pic/port) operate in concatenated mode, a mode in which the bandwidth of the interface is in a single channel.

To configure a PIC to operate in channelized (multiplexed) mode, include the no-concatenate statement at the [edit chassis fpc slot-number pic pic-number] hierarchy level:

[edit chassis]user@host# set fpc slot-number pic pic-number no-concatenate[edit chassis]user@host# show
fpc slot-number {pic pic-number {no-concatenate;}}

On a TX Matrix or TX Matrix Plus router, include the no-concatenate statement at the [edit chassis lcc number fpc slot-number pic pic-number] hierarchy level:

[edit chassis lcc number]user@host# set fpc slot-number pic pic-number no-concatenate[edit chassis lcc number]user@host# show
fpc slot-number {pic pic-number {no-concatenate;}}

When configuring and displaying information about interfaces that are operating in channelized mode, you must specify the channel number in the interface name (physical:channel); for example, so-2/2/0:0 and so-2/2/0:1.

Note: On SONET OC48 interfaces that are configured for channelized (multiplexed) mode, the bytes e1-quiet and bytes f1 options in the sonet-options statement have no effect. The bytes f2, bytes z3, bytes z4, and path-trace options work correctly on channel 0. These bytes work in the transmit direction only on channels 1, 2, and 3.

The M160 four-port SONET/SDH OC12 PIC can run each of the OC12 links in concatenated mode only and requires a Type 2 M160 FPC. Similarly, the 4-port SONET/SDH OC3 PIC cannot run in nonconcatenated mode on any platform.

Published: 2013-01-24