Related Documentation
- M, MX, T Series
- Proactive Mode
- Clearing Iterator Statistics
- Configuring an Iterator Profile
- Example: Configuring an Iterator
- Displaying Iterator Statistics
- Managing Iterator Statistics
- Additional Information
- Junos® OS Ethernet Interfaces
Configuring a Remote MEP with an Iterator Profile
You can associate a remote maintenance association end point (MEP) with more than one iterator profile.
To configure a remote MEP with an iterator profile:
- In configuration mode, go to the following hierarchy level:user@host# edit protocols oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management maintenance-domain md-name maintenance-association ma-name mep mep-id
- Configure the remote MEP with values from 1 through 8191.[edit protocols oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management maintenance-domain md-name maintenance-association ma-name mep mep-id]user@host# set remote-mep remote-mep-id
- Set the iterator profile.[edit protocols oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management maintenance-domain md-name maintenance-association ma-name mep mep-id remote-mep remote-mep-id]user@host# set sla-iterator-profile profile-name
- (Optional) Set the size of the data TLV portion of the
Y.1731 data frame with values from 1 through 1400 bytes. The default
value is 1.[edit protocols oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management maintenance-domain md-name maintenance-association ma-name mep mep-id remote-mep remote-mep-id sla-iterator-profile profile-name]user@host# set data-tlv-size size
- (Optional) Set the iteration count, which indicates the
number of iterations for which this connection should partake in the
iterator for acquiring SLA measurements, with values from 1 through
65,535. The default value is 0 (that is, infinite iterations).[edit protocols oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management maintenance-domain md-name maintenance-association ma-name mep mep-id remote-mep remote-mep-id sla-iterator-profile profile-name]user@host# set iteration-count count-value
- (Optional) Set the priority, which is the vlan-pcp value that is sent in the Y.1731 data frames, with values from 0
through 7. The default value is 0.[edit protocols oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management maintenance-domain md-name maintenance-association ma-name mep mep-id remote-mep remote-mep-id sla-iterator-profile profile-name]user@host# set priority priority-value
- Verify the configuration.[edit protocols oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management maintenance-domain md-name maintenance-association ma-name mep mep-id remote-mep remote-mep-id]user@host# showsla-iterator-profile profile-name {data-tlv-size size;iteration-count count-value;priority priority-value;}
Related Documentation
- M, MX, T Series
- Proactive Mode
- Clearing Iterator Statistics
- Configuring an Iterator Profile
- Example: Configuring an Iterator
- Displaying Iterator Statistics
- Managing Iterator Statistics
- Additional Information
- Junos® OS Ethernet Interfaces
Published: 2012-12-11
Related Documentation
- M, MX, T Series
- Proactive Mode
- Clearing Iterator Statistics
- Configuring an Iterator Profile
- Example: Configuring an Iterator
- Displaying Iterator Statistics
- Managing Iterator Statistics
- Additional Information
- Junos® OS Ethernet Interfaces