Tracing Operations of an Individual Router Interface
To trace the operations of individual router interfaces, perform the following steps:
- In configuration mode, go to the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level:[edit]user@host# edit interfaces interface-name
- Configure the traceoptions option.[edit interfaces interface-name]user@host# edit traceoptions
- Configure the tracing flag.[edit interfaces interface-name traceoptions]user@host# set flag flag-option
You can specify the following interface tracing flags:
- all—Trace all interface operations.
- event—Trace all interface events.
- ipc—Trace all interface interprocess communication (IPC) messages.
- media—Trace all interface media changes.
The interfaces traceoptions statement does not support a trace file. The logging is done by the kernel, so the tracing information is placed in the system syslog files.
For more information about trace operations, see Tracing Operations of the Interface Process.