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Displaying Additional Information About the Configuration

In configuration mode only, to display additional information about the configuration, use the display detail command after the pipe ( | ) in conjunction with a show command. The additional information includes the help string that explains each configuration statement and the permission bits required to add and modify the configuration statement.

user@host# show <hierarchy-level> | display detail

For example:

[edit]user@host# show | display detail#### version: Software version information## require: system##version "3.4R1 [tlim]";
system {#### host-name: Host name for this router## match: ^[[:alnum:]._-]+$## require: system##}
host-name router-name;#### domain-name: Domain name for this router## match: ^[[:alnum:]._-]+$## require: system##domain-name;#### backup-router: Address of router to use while booting##backup-router;
root-authentication {#### encrypted-password: Encrypted password string##encrypted-password "$ABC123"; # SECRET-DATA}
#### name-server: DNS name servers## require: system##
name-server {#### name-server: DNS name server address##;}
login {#### class: User name (login)## match: ^[[:alnum:]_-]+$##class super-user {#### permissions: Set of permitted operation categories##permissions all;}...#### services: System services## require: system##services {## services: Service name##ftp;#### services: Service name##telnet;##}syslog {#### file-name: File to record logging data##file messages {#### Facility type## Level name##any notice;#### Facility type## Level name##authorization info;}}}
chassis {alarm {sonet {#### lol: Loss of light## alias: loss-of-light##lol red;}}}
interfaces {#### Interface name##at-2/1/1 {atm-options {#### vpi: Virtual path index## range: 0 .. 255## maximum-vcs: Maximum number of virtual circuits on this VP##vpi 0 maximum-vcs 512;}#### unit: Logical unit number## range: 0 .. 16384##unit 0 {#### vci: ATM point-to-point virtual circuit identifier ([vpi.]vci)}##vci 0.128;}}

Modified: 2016-08-08