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Rolling Back Junos OS Configuration Changes

This topic shows how to use the rollback command to return to the most recently committed Junos OS configuration. The rollback command is useful if you make configuration changes and then decide not to keep the changes.

The following procedure shows how to configure an SNMP health monitor on a device running Junos OS and then return to the most recently committed configuration that does not include the health monitor. When configured, the SNMP health monitor provides the network management system (NMS) with predefined monitoring for file system usage, CPU usage, and memory usage on the device.

  1. Enter configuration mode:
    user@host> configure entering configuration mode[edit]user@host#
  2. Show the current configuration (if any) for SNMP:
    [edit]user@host# show snmp

    No snmp statements appear because SNMP has not been configured on the device.

  3. Configure the health monitor:
    [edit]user@host# set snmp health-monitor
  4. Show the new configuration:
    [edit]user@host# show snmp health-monitor;

    The health-monitor statement indicates that SNMP health monitoring is configured on the device.

  5. Enter the rollback configuration mode command to return to the most recently committed configuration:
    [edit]user@host# rollback load complete
  6. Show the configuration again to make sure your change is no longer present:
    [edit]user@host# show snmp

    No snmp configuration statements appear. The health monitor is no longer configured.

  7. Enter the commit command to activate the configuration to which you rolled back:
    [edit]user@host# commit
  8. Exit configuration mode:
    [edit]user@host# exit Exiting configuration mode

You can also use the rollback command to return to earlier configurations.

Published: 2013-01-23