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Configuring Precision Time Protocol Clocking

In a distributed network, you can configure Precision Time Protocol (PTP) master and slave clocks to help synchronize the timing across the network. The synchronization is achieved through packets that are transmitted and received in a session between the master clock and the slave clock or clock client.

To configure Precision Time Protocol (PTP) options:

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit protocols ptp] hierarchy level.
    [edit]user@host# edit protocols ptp
  2. Specify the clock as a boundary or ordinary clock. The boundary option signifies that the clock can be both a master clock and a slave clock. The ordinary option signifies that the clock is a slave clock.
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# set clock-mode (boundary | ordinary)
  3. (Optional) Configure the PTP domain with values from 0 through 127. The default value is 0.
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# set domain domain-value
  4. (Optional) Specify the DiffServ code point (DSCP) value (0 through 63) for all PTP IPv4 packets originated by the router. The default value is 56.
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# set ipv4-dscp number
  5. Specify the master clock parameters.
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# set master

    For details about configuring the master clock parameters, see Configuring a PTP Master Boundary Clock.

  6. (Optional) Configure the priority value of the clock (0 through 255). This value is used in selecting the best master clock. The priority1-value is advertised in the master clock’s announce message to clock clients. The default value is 128.
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# set priority1 priority1-value
  7. (Optional) Configure the tie-breaker in selecting the best master clock (0 through 255). The priority2 value differentiates and prioritizes the master clock to avoid confusion when the priority1-value is the same for different master clocks in a network. The default value is 128.
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# set priority2 priority2-value
  8. Specify the PTP slave clock parameters.
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# set slave

    For information about configuring the slave clock options, see Configuring a PTP Slave Clock.

  9. (Optional) Enable unicast negotiation. Unicast negotiation is a method by which the announce, synchronization, and delay response packet rates are negotiated between the master clock and the clock client before a PTP session is established.
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# set unicast-negotiation

    Note: Unicast negotiation, when enabled, does not allow you to commit packet rate–related configurations.

Published: 2013-01-11