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Configuring the SNMP Community String

The SNMP community string defines the relationship between an SNMP server system and the client systems. This string acts like a password to control the clients’ access to the server. To configure a community string in a Junos OS configuration, include the community statement at the [edit snmp] hierarchy level:

[edit snmp]community name {authorization authorization;clients {default restrict;address restrict;}view view-name;}

If the community name contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks (" ").

The default authorization level for a community is read-only. To allow Set requests within a community, you need to define that community as authorization read-write. For Set requests, you also need to include the specific MIB objects that are accessible with read-write privileges using the view statement. The default view includes all supported MIB objects that are accessible with read-only privileges; no MIB objects are accessible with read-write privileges. For more information about the view statement, see Configuring MIB Views.

The clients statement lists the IP addresses of the clients (community members) that are allowed to use this community. If no clients statement is present, all clients are allowed. For address, you must specify an IPv4 or IPv6 address, not a hostname. Include the default restrict option to deny access to all SNMP clients for which access is not explicitly granted. We recommend that you always include the default restrict option to limit SNMP client access to the local router.

Note: Community names must be unique. You cannot configure the same community name at the [edit snmp community] and [edit snmp v3 snmp-community community-index] hierarchy levels.

Published: 2012-12-08