Configuring SONET Options for 10-Gigabit Ethernet Interfaces
The 10-Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 and IQ2-E PICs are supported on the M120, M320, and T Series routers. The 10-Gigabit Ethernet LAN/WAN PICs are supported on the T4000 routers. These PICs provides external interfaces running at 10 Gbps. The interface operates in either LAN PHY or WAN PHY mode. When the external interface is running in WAN PHY mode, it uses the WIS sublayer to transport 10-Gigabit Ethernet frames in an OC192c SONET payload, and can interoperate with SONET section or line level repeaters. This creates an advantage when the interface is used for long-distance, point-to-point 10-Gigabit Ethernet links.
When the external interface is running in WAN PHY mode, you can configure specific physical SONET options. When WAN PHY mode is configured on an interface, the following SONET options are supported:
- Loopback (local and remote)
- Path trace
- Trigger options
To configure SONET options for 10-Gigabit Ethernet Interfaces:
- In configuration mode, go to the [edit interfaces interface-name sonet-options] hierarchy level, where
the interface-name is so-fpc/pic/port:[edit]user@host# edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options
- Configure a loopback connection.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set loopback (local | payload | remote)
- Configure a path trace identifier, which is a text string
that identifies the circuit.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set path-trace trace-string
- Configure SONET/SDH defect triggers as either ignore or
hold time.
The defect triggers can be ignored. By default all SONET/SDH defect triggers are honored if you do not include the trigger defect ignore statement.
You can apply up and down hold times to SONET/SDH defect trigger. When a defect is detected the interface is marked down immediately and when the defect becomes absent the interface is marked up immediately if you do not include the trigger defect hold-time statement.
[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set trigger defect ignoreuser@host# set trigger defect hold-time up milliseconds down milliseconds - Configure the mpls option to process incoming
IP packets that have MPLS labels for passive monitoring on ATM and
SONET/SDH interfaces and 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces in WAN PHY
mode.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set mpls
- Configure the pop-all-labels option to remove
up to two MPLS labels from incoming IP packets in passive monitoring. [edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options mpls]user@host# set pop-all-labels
- Configure the required-depth option as either 1 or 2 in the pop-all-labels statement. to specify the number of MPLS labels
an incoming packet must have for the pop-all-labels statement to take
effect. If you include the required-depth 1 statement,
the pop-all-labels statement takes effect for incoming
packets with one label only. If you include the required-depth 2 statement, the pop-all-labels statement takes effect
for incoming packets with two labels only.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options mpls pop-all-labels]user@host# set required-depth
For information about using the mpls statement, see Enabling Passive Monitoring on SONET/SDH Interfaces.