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Verifying the Member ID, Role, and Neighbor Member Connections of an EX8200 Virtual Chassis Member


View the member ID, role, and VCP links in an EX8200 Virtual Chassis.


To display the role and member ID assignments, use the show virtual-chassis command:

user@external-routing-engine> show virtual-chassis
Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: c806.0842.de51
                                               Mastership            Neighbor List
Member ID       Status   Serial No    Model    priority    Role      ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0-15)    Prsnt    ghi789       ex8208            0  Linecard   8  vcp-0/0
                                                                      9  vcp-0/1
                                                                      1  vcp-3/0/2
1 (FPC 16-31)   Prsnt    jkl112       ex8216            0  Linecard   8  vcp-0/0
                                                                      9  vcp-0/1
                                                                      0  vcp-4/0/2
8 (FPC 128-143) Prsnt    abc123           ex-xre      129  Master*    9  vcp-1/0
                                                                      0  vcp-1/1
                                                                      1  vcp-1/2
9 (FPC 144-159) Prsnt    def456           ex-xre      129  Backup     8  vcp-1/0
                                                                      0  vcp-1/1
                                                                      1  vcp-1/2


This output verifies that a Virtual Chassis composed of one EX8208 switch (member 0), one EX8216 switch (member 1), and master and backup XRE200 External Routing Engines (members 8 and 9) is operational by showing that all devices are in the Prsnt state. The display shows the VCP connections and confirms that each member has an active connection to all three other members.

Published: 2012-12-07