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    Supported Platforms

    Configuring ATM Mode on the PIM

    The J Series routers with an SHDSL PIM installed support the 2-port, two-wire mode (Annex A or Annex B). You can configure only one mode on each 2-port SHDSL PIM.

    Note: G.SHDSL interfaces on a J Series router only support 2-port, two-wire mode. This is enabled by default. The 1-port, 4-wire mode is not supported.

    The two-wire mode supports autodetection of the line rate or fixed line rate and network speeds from 192 Kbps to 2.3 Kbps in 64-Kbps increments.

    For information about configuring Annex A or Annex B, see Configuring SHDSL Operating Mode on an ATM Physical Interface.

    To configure the ATM mode for SHDSL, include the pic-mode statement at the [edit chassis fpc fpc-number pic 0 shdsl] hierarchy level:

    [edit chassis]fpc fpc-number {pic 0 {shdsl {pic-mode (1-port-atm | 2-port-atm);}}}

    The default is 2-wire (two-port ATM) mode. To set the default explicitly, specify the 2-port-atm option. For 4-wire (single-port ATM) mode, specify the 1-port-atm option.

    For more information about configuring the pic-mode statement, see the Junos OS System Basics Configuration Guide. For information about configuring the ATM mode, see the Junos OS Interfaces and Routing Configuration Guide.

    Published: 2012-12-05

    Supported Platforms

    Published: 2012-12-05