Related Documentation
- ACX, M, MX, SRX, T Series
- ethernet-switch-profile
- gigether-options
- ACX Series
- tag-protocol-id
- M, MX, T Series
- Stacking and Rewriting Gigabit Ethernet VLAN Tags Overview
- M, MX, SRX, T Series
- aggregated-ether-options
- Additional Information
- Junos® OS Ethernet Interfaces
Configuring Frames with Particular TPIDs to Be Processed as Tagged Frames
For Gigabit Ethernet IQ interfaces, aggregated Ethernet with Gigabit Ethernet IQ interfaces, Gigabit Ethernet PICs with SFPs (except the 10-port Gigabit Ethernet PIC and the built-in Gigabit Ethernet port on the M7i router), and MX Series router Gigabit Ethernet, Tri-Rate Ethernet copper, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, you can configure frames with particular TPIDs to be processed as tagged frames. To do this, you specify up to eight IEEE 802.1Q TPID values per port; a frame with any of the specified TPIDs is processed as a tagged frame; however, with IQ2 and IQ2-E interfaces, only the first four IEEE 802.1Q TPID values per port are supported. To configure the TPID values, include the tag-protocol-id statement:
You can include this statement at the following hierarchy levels:
- [edit interfaces interface-name gigether-options ethernet-switch-profile]
- [edit interfaces interface-name aggregated-ether-options ethernet-switch-profile]
All TPIDs you include in input and output VLAN maps must be among those you specify at the [edit interfaces interface-name gigether-options ethernet-switch-profile tag-protocol-id [ tpids ]] or [edit interfaces interface-name aggregated-ether-options ethernet-switch-profile tag-protocol-id [ tpids ]] hierarchy level.
Related Documentation
- ACX, M, MX, SRX, T Series
- ethernet-switch-profile
- gigether-options
- ACX Series
- tag-protocol-id
- M, MX, T Series
- Stacking and Rewriting Gigabit Ethernet VLAN Tags Overview
- M, MX, SRX, T Series
- aggregated-ether-options
- Additional Information
- Junos® OS Ethernet Interfaces
Published: 2012-12-11
Related Documentation
- ACX, M, MX, SRX, T Series
- ethernet-switch-profile
- gigether-options
- ACX Series
- tag-protocol-id
- M, MX, T Series
- Stacking and Rewriting Gigabit Ethernet VLAN Tags Overview
- M, MX, SRX, T Series
- aggregated-ether-options
- Additional Information
- Junos® OS Ethernet Interfaces