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Rewriting the VLAN Tag on Tagged Frames

To rewrite the VLAN tag on all tagged frames entering the interface to a specified VLAN ID and TPID, include the swap, tag-protocol-id, and vlan-id statements in the input VLAN map:

To rewrite the VLAN tag on all tagged frames exiting the interface to a specified VLAN ID and TPID, include the swap and tag-protocol-id statements in the output VLAN map:

You can include these statements at the following hierarchy levels:

  • [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number input-vlan-map]
  • [edit logical-systems logical-system-name interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number input-vlan-map]

You cannot include both the swap statement and the vlan-id statement in the output VLAN map configuration. If you include the swap statement in the configuration, the VLAN ID in outgoing frames is rewritten to the VLAN ID bound to the logical interface. For more information about binding a VLAN ID to the logical interface, see 802.1Q VLANs Overview.

The swap operation works on the outer tag only, whether or not you include the stacked-vlan-tagging statement in the configuration. For more information, see Examples: Stacking and Rewriting Gigabit Ethernet IQ VLAN Tags.


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Published: 2013-04-03


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Published: 2013-04-03