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Tracing RSVP Protocol Traffic

To trace RSVP protocol traffic, include the traceoptions statement:

traceoptions { file filename <files number> <size size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;flag flag <flag-modifier> <disable>; }

You can include this statement at the following hierarchy levels:

  • [edit protocols rsvp]
  • [edit logical-systems logical-system-name protocols rsvp]

You can specify the following RSVP-specific flags in the RSVP traceoptions statement:

Use the file statement to specify the name of the file that receives the output of the tracing operation. All files are placed in the directory /var/log. We recommend that you place RSVP tracing output in the file rsvp-log.

  • all—All tracing operations.
  • error—All detected error conditions
  • event—RSVP-related events (helps to trace events related to RSVP graceful restart)
  • lmp—RSVP-Link Management Protocol (LMP) interactions
  • packets—All RSVP packets
  • path—All path messages
  • pathtear—PathTear messages
  • resv—Resv messages
  • resvtear—ResvTear messages
  • route—Routing information
  • state—Session state transitions

For general information about tracing and global tracing options, see the Junos OS Routing Protocols Configuration Guide.

Examples: Tracing RSVP Protocol Traffic

Trace RSVP path messages in detail:

[edit]protocols {rsvp {traceoptions {file rsvp size 10m files 5;flag path;}}}

Trace all RSVP messages:

[edit]protocols {rsvp {traceoptions {file rsvp size 10m files 5;flag packets;}}}

Trace all RSVP error conditions:

[edit]protocols {rsvp {traceoptions {file rsvp size 10m files 5;flag error;}}}

Published: 2012-11-29

Supported Platforms

Published: 2012-11-29