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Commit Operation When Multiple Users Configure the Software

Up to 32 users can be in configuration mode simultaneously, and they all can be making changes to the configuration. All changes made by all users are visible to everyone editing the configuration—the changes become visible as soon as the user presses the Enter key at the end of a command that changes the configuration, such as set, edit, or delete.

When any of the users editing the configuration issues a commit command, all changes made by all users are checked and activated.

If you enter configuration mode with the configure private command, each user has a private candidate configuration to edit somewhat independently of other users. When you commit the configuration, only your own changes get committed. To synchronize your copy of the configuration after other users have committed changes, you can run the update command in configuration mode. A commit operation also updates all of the private candidate configurations. For example, suppose user X and user Y are both in configure private mode, and user X commits a configuration change. When user Y performs a subsequent commit operation and then views the new configuration, the new configuration seen by user Y includes the changes made by user X.

If you enter configuration mode with the configure exclusive command, you lock the candidate configuration for as long as you remain in configuration mode, allowing you to make changes without interference from other users. Other users can enter and exit configuration mode, but they cannot commit the configuration. This is true even if the other users entered configuration mode before you enter the configure exclusive command. For example, suppose user X is already in the configure private or configure mode. Then suppose user Y enters the configure exclusive mode. User X cannot commit any changes to the configuration, even if those changes were entered before user Y logged in. If user Y exits configure exclusive mode, user X can then commit the changes made in configure private or configure mode.

Published: 2013-01-15