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Junos OS Configuration Using the CLI

You configure the Junos OS using the Junos OS command-line interface (CLI). The CLI is described in detail in the CLI User Guide.

After completing the initial minimal configuration, you can configure software properties. If you configure the software interactively using the CLI, you enter software configuration statements to create a candidate configuration that contains a hierarchy of statements. At any hierarchy level, you generally can enter statements in any order. While you are configuring the software, you can display all or portions of the candidate configuration, and you can insert or delete statements. Any changes you make affect only the candidate configuration, not the active configuration that is running on the router.

The configuration hierarchy logically groups related functions, which results in configuration statements that have a consistent syntax. For example, you configure routing protocols, routing policies, interfaces, and SNMP management in their own separate portions of the configuration hierarchy.

At each level of the hierarchy, you can display a list of the statements available at that level, along with short descriptions of the statements’ functions. To have the CLI complete the statement name if it is unambiguous or to provide a list of possible completions, you can type a partial statement name followed by a space or tab.

More than one user can edit a router’s configuration simultaneously. All changes made by all users are visible to everyone editing the configuration.

Published: 2013-02-22