Junos OS Default Settings for Router Security
The Junos OS protects against common router security weaknesses with the following default settings:
- The Junos OS does not forward directed broadcast messages. Directed broadcast services send ping requests from a spoofed source address to a broadcast address and can be used to attack other Internet users. For example, if broadcast ping messages were allowed on the network, a single ping request could result in up to 254 responses to the supposed source of the ping. The source would actually become the victim of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack.
- Only console access to the router is enabled by default. Remote management access to the router and all management access protocols, including Telnet, FTP, and SSH (Secure Shell), are disabled by default.
- The Junos OS does not support the SNMP set capability for editing configuration data. Although the software supports the SNMP set capability for monitoring and troubleshooting the network, this support exposes no known security issues. (You can configure the software to disable this SNMP set capability.)
- The Junos OS ignores martian addresses that contain the following prefixes:,,,,,, and Martian addresses are reserved host or network addresses about which all routing information should be ignored.