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Related Documentation
- EX, M, MX Series
- Address-Assignment Pools Overview
- M, MX Series
- Configuring Address-Assignment Pools
- MX Series
- Configuring an Address-Assignment Pool for Router Advertisement
Example: Configuring an Address-Assignment Pool
This example shows an address-assignment pool configuration that creates two pools, one for IPv4 DHCP clients (isp_1) , and a second pool (chi-fiber-ra) that is used for router advertisement.
This example creates an IPv4 address-assignment pool named isp-1, which contains two named address ranges, southeast and northeast. The address-assignment pool also contains a static binding for client host The ISP_1 pool configuration also includes the dhcp-attributes statement, indicating that the pool is used for DHCP clients. If the option 82 circuit-id entry matches the string fiber, then DHCP assigns the client an address from the northeast range. If the option 82 circuit-id matches the string cable_net, DHCP assigns an address from the southeast range.
The second address-assignment pool created in this example is chi-fiber-ra. The neighbor-discovery-router-advertisement statement at the beginning of the syntax specifies that this named address-assignment pool is used for router advertisement. The syntax at the end of the example configures the address-assignment pool named chi-fiber-ra.
Related Documentation
- EX, M, MX Series
- Address-Assignment Pools Overview
- M, MX Series
- Configuring Address-Assignment Pools
- MX Series
- Configuring an Address-Assignment Pool for Router Advertisement
Published: 2013-02-22
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- EX, M, MX Series
- Address-Assignment Pools Overview
- M, MX Series
- Configuring Address-Assignment Pools
- MX Series
- Configuring an Address-Assignment Pool for Router Advertisement