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request <chassis | ipsec switch | message | mpls | routing-engine | security | services | system | flow-collector | support information>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.


Stop or reboot router components, switch between primary and backup components, display messages, and display system information.

Caution: Halt the backup Routing Engine before you remove it or shut off the power to the router; otherwise, you might need to reinstall the Junos OS.

Note: If your router contains two Routing Engines and you want to shut the power off to the router or remove a Routing Engine, you must first halt the backup Routing Engine (if it has been upgraded) and then the master Routing Engine. To halt a Routing Engine, enter the request system halt command. You can also halt both Routing Engines at the same time by issuing the request system halt both-routing-engines command.

If you want to reboot a router that has two Routing Engines, reboot the backup Routing Engine (if you have upgraded it) and then the master Routing Engine.

Note: If you reboot the TX Matrix router, all the T640 master Routing Engines connected to the TX Matrix router reboot. If you halt both Routing Engines on a TX Matrix router, all the T640 Routing Engines connected to the TX Matrix router are also halted. Likewise, if you reboot the TX Matrix Plus router, all the T1600 or T4000 master Routing Engines connected to the TX Matrix Plus router reboot. If you halt both Routing Engines on a TX Matrix Plus router, all the T1600 or T4000 Routing Engines connected to the TX Matrix Plus router are also halted.

Note: If you insert a Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) into your router, you may need to issue the request chassis fpc command (or press the online button) to bring the FPC online. This applies to FPCs in M20, M40, M40e, M160, M320, and T Series routers. For command usage, see the request chassis fpc command description in the Junos OS Operational Mode Commands.

Additional Information

Most request commands are described in the Junos System Basics and Services Command Reference. The following request commands are described in the Junos Interfaces Command Reference: request ipsec switch and request services.

Required Privilege Level


Published: 2013-03-05